Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 370

"Have you prepared a red envelope for me?"

Having said this, Jiaoyue felt that she shouldn't have said so. She blushed and turned to run.

Rong Zhan immediately held her down. He could hardly hide his smile, but he still said: "what? My little girl is in a hurry? "

Jiao Yue's eyes fluttered and fluttered. She said, "I don't really want to, just ask!"

Usually every year, Rong Zhan will give her a red envelope, big or small, always make her happy. But at that time they had not married. Now they are married, Jiaoyue is thinking, will he not give it!

Originally, she always heard people say that love and marriage are different. Naturally, she thought a lot.

She is such a person, like small surprise, no matter how much, someone gives her a gift is good.

But now I think it's really strange to ask myself this question! Jiaoyue some regret, bit the lip, a pair of embarrassed small appearance.

The more he looked at her, the more happy he was. He wished that he could not shut her up in his room directly. He would never go out again.

The little girl who didn't want to see the bleeding.

He changed the subject and said, "how about I cook myself today?"

Jiao Yue raised her head and asked, "eh? But today is new year's Eve

Rong Zhan shrugged: "what does that matter?"

He sat up and the quilt slipped down to reveal his strong upper body.

Jiao Yue takes a glance and gives eight character comments.

You look skinny when you dress, but you have meat when you take off!

She took a deep breath and said, "I'll help you. We'll do it together."

Rong Zhan did not refuse, and said with a smile: "good!"

The husband and wife were dressed in exquisite and festive clothes. When they waited for the Empress Dowager to greet her, the Empress Dowager looked at Jiaoyue and found that Jiaoyue was like a very good flower watered, more and more brilliant.

Su Jiaoyue is bright and beautiful in appearance, compared with the gentle reflection of the moon, with atmosphere in it. She is more beautiful and more brilliant.

It's just brilliant, twinkle and smile, every move is full of charming childishness, and the appearance is all the same. But since the marriage, it is a little different, she is like a very good flower watered, more and more charming.

The Empress Dowager is also a passer-by. Naturally, she knows that the little husband and wife are extremely harmonious in that respect.

Jiaoyue is very obviously brilliant, more than a little daughter's style. No, it's still a raw, beautiful little girl like I used to be.

And Rong Zhan seems not to be so full of anger, so to find a suitable person to marry, really will cause great changes to people.

Don't look at others, just look at zhan'er.

Looking at Jiao Yue again, the Empress Dowager raised her mouth and sighed again in her heart.

Strange to say, the three rooms of the Su family are interesting. The three children of Saburo are extremely different in appearance and personality.

The moon seems gentle, but it is cold.

Jiaoyue looks gorgeous, but she is charming and simple.

It seems modest but decisive.

The temperament in the bone is quite different from myself.

However, the Empress Dowager is not surprised at all. She has met Qi Yingxin. She seems gentle, but she can bear it very much at the critical time. Her character is so resolute that her two daughters are not the kind of small flowers in the greenhouse, but it is natural.

It is no surprise that these three children have made friends with their uncle Qizhi state since they were young, and they have been tainted with Qi State's temper.

When the Empress Dowager thought of this, she said with a smile: "everyone will come at noon. Why don't you play cards with us in the afternoon?"

Jiao Yue hesitated for a moment and asked, "play cards?" Then with a happy atmosphere, immediately said: "good!"

The voice was loud and clear, with a lot of laughter.

The Empress Dowager looked at her.

Jiao Yue didn't hide it. She immediately said, "my family, I play cards very well. I have a good memory. Can remember the cards, and also according to the cards played by everyone to calculate what cards she has in hand, so never lose. My family has no one to play with me for a long time, for these Oh, I am an expert. When I was seven years old, I was already listed as a game and refused to come and go. "

Jiaoyue is jubilant, not happy.

"I haven't played for a long time! You can do it again. "

The Empress Dowager:

She looked at Jiaoyue with a smile and said slowly, "where is the horse crane?"

Jiao Yue listened to it more forcefully: "horse crane is OK! I can do it

Empress Dowager long Oh, Jiaoyue is probably too long have not been invited, still excited!

She said, "when I play with my grandmother, I deliberately lose without trace. My grandmother is not happy! She said it was boring to play with me

You want to ask the Empress Dowager more powerful

Jiaoyue held her chest: "almost, but overall, I won more! We both specialize in technology, and I'm better at it than she is; her poetry is better than mine. "The Empress Dowager picked her eyebrows, and then, she pursed her lips, pondered for a moment, and then she said with a smile, "why don't you look at it?"

Jiaoyue was immediately stunned.

At the scene, the mothers and maids couldn't help laughing. They all hung their heads and forced their shoulders to laugh.

We dare not look at Princess Yu's face.

What month

Even Rong Zhan couldn't bear to see his daughter-in-law's poor and miserable little face. He rubbed Jiaoyue's head as if he were pacifying him, and said, "it's OK. They don't want to play with you. I'll show you. "

Jiaoyue was wronged: "what! There's no way for them to play. "

The Empress Dowager is kind, she says: "you can be with the crown prince, crown princess together."

Jiao Yue thought about it and came to her strength: "good!"

She was happy again. She was a simple person.

The Empress Dowager didn't think this little girl was good, but since she was willing to go to Xiliang to find rongzhan and rescue him, she believed that there was no one else in the world more suitable for rongzhan than she was. Even if she has tens of thousands of bad shortcomings, they can not defeat this point.

Rong Zhan needs such a person who can be reckless, and she seems simple and naive, but when something happens, she can really rush up.

Such a character, excellent!

Although it seems to jump off a bit, but in the end is young, old, not necessarily still so.

Moreover, if a girl can always keep childlike, it may not be a bad thing.

What's important is that you're capable of big things, but what's important about other things?

"You used to play with your sister, were you two?"

Jiao Yue shakes her head: "no, there's Qi'an, and Mingyue sister, sometimes Rongyue sister. But Mingyue and Rongyue don't like to play with us. Its an originally not good, but in the past two years is fierce, but sister married, Mingyue sister also married, but more and more no one to play with. In the past two years, I've been competing with her in nine links to see who can solve the problem quickly or set questions for the other side. "

The Empress Dowager smiles and asks more.

Is this Su family's children playing with normal people?

Ha ha!

She just sighed that she couldn't play with her, or she would lose all the time.

The new year in the palace is hot and noisy. Jiaoyue originally thought it would be very lonely, but it is not.

The emperor's concubines, big and small, gathered around the Empress Dowager. Sure enough, as long as the emperor was there, others would not go away.

Everyone around the empress dowager, it is really noisy. Jiaoyue thinks that she can flatter, and only when she sees these women, she knows that she is not enough to see.

Rong Zhan goes to make cakes for the Empress Dowager to play cards in the evening. Although the Empress Dowager says that she doesn't need to use it, she can't hide the smile on her face. Jiaoyue can't help laughing when she sees it.

She is not with these people, as long as follow Rong Zhan together, fight for him.

The Empress Dowager was very satisfied with them.

Rong Zhan goes back to his room to get things. Jiaoyue is waiting for him at the door.

The face came out of the room and asked with a smile, "may I join you?"

In the past two years, the smile of face is more than before, but Jiaoyue doesn't like it more and more. The original appearance is still a little introverted girl. Although she has some inner thoughts, in general, Jiaoyue knows that she is just too inferiority complex.

The lame became a taboo she couldn't say.

Sometimes when she saw her face, she would think of the first time they met. At that time, her face was still a little introverted and shy.

Now, although the face love to smile, but there is no smile in the eyes, the whole person is full of the sense of mind.

Jiaoyue can not say that such a bad face, she did not live in the palace, no lame legs, naturally can not experience the face experienced. She couldn't tell whether her face was good or not. They have nothing to communicate with.

Jiao Yue said with a smile: "but brother Zhan doesn't like others when cooking. I have the cheek to follow."

Jiaoyue said this is also true!

"I feel tired when I listen to them flattering their grandmother and father like this. I'm very upset in my heart. I didn't want to follow you. "

Some lonely words.

Jiao Yue doesn't answer.

When Rong Zhan came back, his voice did not rise and fall: "you follow us, also disturb our husband and wife."

Very straightforward.

Jiao Yue blushed immediately.

Face a Leng, immediately also blush.

Rao is a clever girl, but in the end is not married, a big girl.

See Jiao Yue's small hand secretly pinched Rong Zhan behind her, her face is more red.

Casually refused a few words, quickly into the room.

Jiaoyue jiaochen: "you, you, you! What should she think of meRong Zhan does not care about those, holding her hand, the palms of the two people clasped together.

It happened to be fireworks.

The couple looked up together. It was not dark at this time, and they did not even have dinner.

But someone has already started.

Fireworks in the day are not as beautiful as at night, but Jiaoyue is smiling. She says, "who is it?"

Rong Zhan said: "who can it be? It should be the little monkey of Uncle Zhao's house."

Jiao Yue chuckled and said in a low voice, "you can't be more mischievous than him when you were a child."

Just as he was saying, a group of little turnip heads ran over to me, regardless of the cold.

Xu Shi Rong Zhan is really not welcome.

All of a sudden, a group of little turnip heads stayed there, but they did not dare to go forward.

Jiao Yue didn't hold back, laughing back and forth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!