Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 201

Jiao Yue pushed Rong Zhan, and her face was even worse. She said, "let me go!"

Rong Zhan wondered, "what's the matter with you?"

Jiao Yue blushed and murmured. Rong Zhan didn't hear what she said clearly, and then asked. Jiaoyue but refused to say, she pushed the Rong Zhan hard, the little face egg son more and more red.

If there is a difference between men and women, it will not be like this. After all, she is still good at the beginning, and Rong Zhan can't understand it. Just staring at Jiaoyue like this.

Jiao Yue blushes shamelessly. She suddenly thinks of why she has had a stomachache all day, and her little hands are on her stomach. No wonder she didn't think of it for the first time. She hasn't had such a situation for more than ten years!

This kind of pain, is clearly because she is coming to the big aunt!


Carefully calculate the age, it is very possible!

Jiaoyue with a bit of shame, whispered: "let's go back."

Rong Zhan looks at Jiao Yue suspiciously. Looking at Jiao Yue like this, she became angry to see Jiao Yue directly. She said: "what do you want?"

Just now suddenly there was a different feeling, Jiaoyue felt that she was probably really coming to the big aunt. My God, what can I do!

Jiao Yue's little face was crimson. Seeing that Rong Zhan refused to let her go, she didn't know what to do. She was about to cry, and her eyes were red.

This pair of I see still pitiful small appearance really let a person heartache to die, he quietly coax up, way: "what is the matter with you in the end? Jiaoyue is a good girl. She doesn't cry. When you cry like this, my heart will break

Jiao Yue raised her head and retorted, "I didn't cry. Don't slander me."

Then he said: "you let me go. If I don't go back for such a long time, my mother and sister should be worried. There is also yun'er. Yun'er doesn't know where to go."

Thinking of this, Jiao Yue was even more nervous. She immediately said, "you help me find cloud son, and I will go back."

After a pause, she said, "I will go back to the house as soon as possible. Brother Zhan can rest assured that I have no big deal."

Although she said that there was no big deal, but where would Rong Zhan believe it! Today's su Jiaoyue is really suspicious and strange to the extreme.

Rong Zhan seriously: "you don't say why, I can't let you go, I don't trust you!"

Seeing that Rong Zhan is so firm, Jiao Yue really hates not to bite people directly. She was originally like this, every time the big aunt, will become particularly irritable, not like her usual.

Jiaoyue thought so, and then decisively did so, and directly bit on Rong Zhan's arm, "you are so dallying, it's really annoying."

Rong Zhan:

Jiao Yue's eyes slightly pick, seriously: "you quickly put it down for me."

Seeing that Rong Zhan, a stubborn fellow, still refused, she said angrily, "I seem to have come to the moon! Do you understand? You big man, how do you hate it so much! You... "

I can't speak any more. My face is blushing.

Rong Zhan didn't know what happened to Jiaoyue. He only looked at her unconventional appearance, but she suddenly became angry and froze.

Jiao Yue's red and gorgeous face seemed to be on fire. She said angrily, "you don't understand it. You still have to ask, why do you hate it so much?"

Jiao Yue is more and more angry.

Rong Zhan pursed her mouth and hung her head.

Jiaoyue did not wait for a reaction, let Zhan embrace her jump, two people under the beam, Jiaoyue inadvertently glanced at Rong Zhan's clothes, suddenly muddled.

She looked at Rong Zhan like this. Her red face could not be seen. She whispered, "that one Brother Zhan. "

The tongue is knotted.

Let Zhan pick her eyebrows.

Jiao Yue covered her face and murmured in a low voice.

But how can you hear such a kitten's humming voice! He looked at Jiaoyue not to move, Jiaoyue finally could not bear, she said: "sobbing, sorry."

Let Zhan a Leng, do not know what is sorry.

He looked at Jiao Yue seriously, and then said softly, "I'll take you to the main house and help you find it for yun'er."

Jiaoyue bit her lips.

I don't know how to say it, but what she wants to say, well, brother Zhan, I come to the moon, and then that or that thing gets on your dress Can you say that? Say it, can you hear it?

Jiao Yue is in the most difficult period in history. She feels that she is almost finished!

Jiao Yue is so entangled in death that she doesn't move, but Rong Zhan accidentally sees what she shouldn't have seen

He looked more and more ugly, pursed his mouth, and a blush appeared on his face. After hesitation, he said, "your skirt is dirty."

Jiao Yue said, puzzled, her big eyes flickered.

However, she had never seen such a face. Her eyes were drifting, her face was slightly red, her lips were pursed and her eyelashes flickered. She knew that he was a little nervous.Such Rong Zhan see what one has never seen before!

She was stunned.

Rong Zhan was looked at like this by her, but also knew what to say, he continued: "your skirt is dirty."

Again, Jiao Yue raised a voice, did not move.

Rong Zhan thought for a moment and said, "wait for me over there. I'll help you find someone. I... "

Not at ease will Jiaoyue a person down, way: "forget it, you and I together."

Jiao Yue asked blankly: "what together?"

Rong Zhan pointed to Jiao Yue's skirt.

Jiaoyue was only aware of this, suddenly thought of a problem, since Rong Zhan's dress is on, then her skirt is also very normal ah!

Jiaoyue was so angry that she couldn't help fainting now. She trembled her lips and said incoherently: "that I You No, I mean Oh, your clothes, my clothes It's on your clothes, too. I'm... "

She was so ashamed that she directly covered her face and squatted down. It was over!

From then on, Su Jiaoyue doesn't have to see people. Jiaoyue sobbing thinks that she really doesn't have to see anyone.

"I'm finished," she whispered

However, at this time, Rong Zhan finally found out that his clothes were not correct. Fortunately, the color of his clothes was quite dark, which was not very obvious. However, he could still see something.

Rong Zhan pursed her mouth. Unexpectedly, he didn't feel dirty.

He will squat in the corner of the mushroom circle to pick up, seriously: "nothing, nothing can not be solved."

Jiaoyue was carried by him and put in the room. Soon, yun'er came over in a hurry, and her clothes were a little messy. It is said that she was knocked out and thrown in the grass. Jiaoyue saw that her lips were already purple with cold, and she scolded the black hands behind the scenes more and more. But now these are not the most important.

After a while, the princess arrived quickly. Yingyue put on her new clothes and said, "change them quickly."

Some blush to carry the monthly cloth, want to explain for Jiaoyue, but shy don't know how to say it. Jiaoyue thought that ancient people were shy and introverted!

She took the monthly cloth and said, "I'll do it myself."

It's the appearance of menqing'er.

This tossed around a circle, until evening back to the house, Jiao Yue is also not to see Rong Zhan again.

However, thinking of this afternoon's situation, Jiaoyue really felt that she had to hide for a long time. She couldn't help it. It was a shame!

She sighed for a moment, and felt that she was really shameful. Now it is the rhythm of humiliation as soon as she goes out. What can I do!

Jiaoyue has some sympathy for herself, but she can only bear it. She looks at the sky silently and feels that her life is really melancholy!

Probably because Jiao Yue's expression is not quite right, the third wife said, "this means you are a big girl, but it's not something more shady. Don't worry about it."

She rubbed her daughter's head and said, "I'm still wondering why you've been there for so long. It's because of this. Why are you so stupid?"

Jiao Yue knew that her mother had misunderstood her, and she thought for a long time. She decided to tell the story. She said, "I'm not!"

The third wife did not know why: "what?"

Jiao Yue seriously: "I'm not delayed because of this."

Simply said everything, and then summed up: "if not brother Zhan, I do not know what to experience."

Jiaoyue said so, the third wife scared pale, she said: "such a thing happened?"

Jiao Yue nodded and seriously replied: "yes, brother Zhan said that someone cheated the prince brother. If he didn't take the prince away, he would like to come to the room with the medicine."

In this way, Rong Zhan does not have any reaction to all the drugs. Therefore, she has no big problem. But what if the man came in? Jiao Yue is afraid to think of it now!

"It's so insidious," she said

The third wife held her daughter's hand tightly. She whispered, "don't go out, don't go out!"

Jiao Yue pursed her lips and didn't answer. She was also worried. The more she thought, the more scared she felt.

Jiao Yue bit her lips and whispered, "I don't know what I'm in the way of others."

The third wife said, "good moon is not afraid!"

Because Jiaoyue came to the moon, it was the first time. She was frightened and drugged. She was haggard. Although she was in a good mood, she was really uncomfortable.

The third wife was deeply distressed. She put her daughter back in the room and lay down. She herself went to the kitchen to cook brown sugar and ginger soup for her.

In fact, Jiaoyue really felt a little dizzy. She said in a low voice, "yun'er, do you think I'm a bit down?"

Yun'er cried. She seldom cried, but this time she cried and said, "it's because I didn't protect miss. I'm really useless."If you say the next thing, yun'er is also comfortable, but this is not.

She couldn't do Kung Fu, so she was hurt easily.

She said, "Miss, if there's something about Miss, I'll die and I'll be responsible for it."

Jiao Yue shakes her head and smiles: "I'm ok! You think too much. "

Looking at the top of the bed, she suddenly said, "it seems that every time I am in danger, brother Zhan will appear. He will protect me and protect me."

Jiao Yue's voice is very light, but with a trace of warmth, the third wife with ginger soup to the door, stopped.

Jiao Yue murmured: "he is really good. Although he looks at his mouth, he is always practical. He is really a good brother..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!