Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 200

Brother Zhan will protect you.

Jiao Yue doesn't see yun'er when she comes out of the cottage. She is a little puzzled, "yun'er."

Called a, no one answered, Jiaoyue again called: "cloud son."

I feel that someone seems to be behind her. Jiaoyue is about to turn back to speak. Suddenly, she is covered by a veil. Jiaoyue is more and more powerless, and gradually feels powerless


It is undeniable that Su Jiaoyue is a very good girl. She is warm and lively, intelligent and capable. She reveals a good and upward feeling everywhere. However, the more she is like this, the more she does not like Su Jiaoyue, that is, she does not like it.

Her legs are not good, she can only stay in the house, she can only be unknown. But Su Jiaoyue is not. Everyone knows that there is a seven young lady in the Su family. She can defeat the Xiliang mission. She is very popular. She can handle the prince Yu Rong Zhan. That person is cold to anyone, but she is good to Su Jiaoyue. In addition, there is the prince brother, that is her brother, but he is full of eyes are su Jiaoyue, completely ignore her sister, although he called Yan'er, but indifferent, but with Su Jiaoyue together, he is not like this, he is really like a real good brother.

If anything else can be tolerated, then this is really unbearable, and she will be uncomfortable. Yes, the most uncomfortable thing for her is that she is her brother, but she only likes Jiaoyue.

Her face and eyes were quiet and dark. She held her handkerchief and laughed. She called her maid and told her in a low voice. She immediately turned away.

Face smile tea, as if nothing happened.

Xu Manning did not know why, but also guessed what face Xu had done. If she had raised her mouth, although the face princess was somewhat moody, Xu Manning still liked to get along with her. Face is a very fragile, sensitive and extreme person, such a person, in fact, around the circle, it is easy for her to use.

Xu Manning knows that he must grasp his face now, so as to be better.

Of course, it's good to have a good time playing with Rong Changge, but Rong Changge is so stupid that she always makes things so ugly that others involve her. When things are too much, they are always not so good.

But the face is different, she does things will hide very well, it is therefore, Xu Manning more happy.

Her face swept the corner of Xu Manning's smiling mouth and slightly lowered her head. Sometimes Xu Manning always felt that she could use her, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to use her at all, but she just wanted to do it.

Only the dog Xu Manning, the vicious woman, thought she could count on others.

Face light smile, more and more happy.

I don't know what other people know.

As for the prince, he heard that face had something to look for him, but he was still in the backyard. He didn't see anyone. He hesitated for a moment. He was about to go to the room and saw Rong Zhan. Rong Zhan happened to come from the side yard. The prince said, "can you see Yan'er?"

Rong Zhan picked eyebrows: "she was in the front yard. I saw her just now in the front yard. I don't know what to say to Xu manning. I'm very happy."

In that case, I'll go to the front yard

He turned to leave, and then turned back, said: "if you see Yan'er, let her not run around, go to the hall and wait for me."

Zhan Shou Rong.

He stood in place and did not move. When the prince left, he was still standing there, motionless. After half a sound, rongzhan looked around, turned to a room, hesitated, and knocked at the door: "is there anyone?"

There was a slight noise in the room, but there was no more noise.

Rao is so, Rong Zhan just pushed open the door.

There was a pungent smell in the room. Rong Zhan changed his face. He immediately closed the door with his back hand. Then he quickly entered the inner room. In the inner room, a little girl was lying there.

Rong Zhan's face became more ugly. He immediately stepped forward and patted Jiao Yue's face directly and said, "Jiao Yue, wake up."

Jiaoyue was confused. She had been out with yun'er and went to the cottage, but she didn't know why, so she was suddenly covered with her mouth.

She tried to open her eyes, and saw Rong Zhan's face with treatment. Jiao Yue whispered: "how, what's going on?"

Outside the door came the sound of locking, Rong Zhan immediately sneered: "it's really mean."

Finish saying this, hold up Jiao Yue, a body, along the rear window quickly turned out.

Not a moment.

When they turn over the rear window, rongzhan jumps gently and reaches the roof. At this time, someone comes to nail the rear window. Zhan didn't hesitate to see the man below without hesitation.


The man immediately called out and fell down. He looked around in surprise and ran away quickly with his wound.

Rong Zhan sneered.

If it is not worried about Jiaoyue, he is afraid to be directly crushed to death, but now the more important thing is Jiaoyue. He pats her face, and Jiaoyue finally wakes up. In fact, she hasn't fallen asleep all the time, but she's just confused. But it's cold outside. When the wind blows by, she wakes up, "brother Zhan."Although a little weak, Jiao Yue still clearly understands the present situation.

"Yes, someone is trying to kill me."

Rong Zhan smile: "someone wants to calculate you and the prince."

He knew the situation at once, and didn't mind letting Jiaoyue know about it. He sat on the roof with Jiaoyue in his arms. Although the wind was strong, rongzhan thought it was very good. At least, it could make Jiaoyue clear quickly.

Jiao Yue's small and soft body leans against his chest, and Rong Zhan feels that there is no hotter than this.

He said: "it's OK. Brother Zhan will protect you."

Jiaoyue flat mouth son, poor with a little pity, she whispered: "a lot of bad people."

Jiaoyue clenched her fist tightly. She was really scared. At that moment, Jiaoyue thought a lot, and her mind flashed a lot. But it was OK. Everything was OK. She was saved by brother Zhan.

Jiao Yue directly leans her face on Rong Zhan's chest. She can't be aggrieved, but Rao is so, she also holds up her tears.

Her strong and stubborn little appearance is really let Rong Zhan heartache to death, so for a moment, Rong Zhan is hate can't kill bully Jiaoyue people.

His eyes are deep, do not see the bottom, seriously: "brother Zhan will not let Jiaoyue accident."

Jiao Yue gave a low hum, then Jiao didi complained: "these people are really too bad."

She repeatedly just such a sentence, Rong Zhan smile rubbed her head, more heartache, he whispered: "you don't have to worry, don't think much, how others calculate you, Zhan brother will deal with them, I will let them know, bully me rongzhan cover the little girl is to pay the price."

Jiaoyue is getting better at this time. Rongzhan's voice almost disappears with the wind. However, Jiaoyue hears it clearly. She says, "brother Zhan, don't give them face."

Rong Zhan laughed, he nodded, took off his big cape and covered her body, whispered: "no matter who it is, I will not let her feel better."

Jiaoyue breathed a sigh and felt that today was really not smooth. She rubbed her small stomach and whispered: "I have a stomachache." After thinking about it, he added, "it's been a day of pain today."

It's pathetic.

Rong Zhan heard, immediately coax her: "it's OK. It's OK. Brother Zhan will send you home. Can we not be here?"

Jiao Yue refused. She said, "it seems that it's not very good for me to leave ahead of time. After all, it's a banquet for my sister and brother-in-law."

Rong Zhan's eyes grew deeper and deeper. He said, "no matter whose banquet it is, you should always take care of your own body. If you don't know how to take care of yourself, then..."

I don't know why, Jiao Yue's face seems to be more and more wrong all of a sudden.

He was afraid that Jiaoyue really had something to do. He was so worried that he immediately said, "I'll take you back to the house. I'll explain what happened later."

Jiaoyue is naturally not willing, so they can not say clearly, she always has to take into account the face of all people. Also at this time, Jiaoyue suddenly felt that she and Rong Zhan were out of line.

She struggled to get up and said, "I'm going."

Rong Zhan saw the change of her face, but he refused to let go. He comforted Jiaoyue: "you have been drugged, and then blow the wind. It's cold, you wake up quickly, or go back if you lose your temper more ugly."

At this point, he sneered and pointed down, "you see!"

The voice was a little lighter. Jiaoyue looked at the past along his line of sight. She was stunned. It turned out that the housekeeper of the prince's mansion came with several servant girls. The maid's voice was very loud. She complained, "well done, who locked the door?"

The housekeeper opened it neatly and saw that all the people had entered the room. When they went out, the housekeeper's face changed a little, but he still said, "look, I said nobody."

One of the big servant girls was very respectable in dress. She said, "no one! I made a mistake

Her face was even more awkward.

Jiao Yue whispered: "who has a problem? Or are they all problematic? "

She's really pissed off.

Rong Zhan smiles: "who has a problem? You don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it

Jiaoyue duzui said, "I didn't expect that the prince's house is not so safe. I'm very careful in other people's houses. This is my sister's house. Naturally, I'm not so cautious, but I don't want to. The more familiar I am, the more likely I am to have problems. "

Speaking of this, Jiaoyue is actually very sad.

Rong Zhan rubbed her head and coaxed: "there are bad people everywhere. As long as you are careful, don't worry too much."

Just listen to this, Jiao Yue's face suddenly changed, she directly pushed Rong Zhan: "you quickly let me go."

Rong Zhan did not understand , the fastest update of the webnovel!