Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 189

Everyone has a mind

Su Sanlang is not in a good mood. Youdao is worried about something more and more. This is his more depressed point now. His family xiaojiaoyue looks smart and attractive, but in fact, she is not stupid. She even has a pot with Rong Zhan, regardless of who he is. It was such a fuss that he could hardly cry.

Although Rong Zhan has left, Su Sanlang's heart is still very depressed. What's more sad is that his family only knows nothing about it, which is pure.

Some words, the father is always not good to speak directly with his daughter, but such words can be said with his wife. In the boudoir, he said in his heart: "tell me, you can tell me, how dare Jiaoyue be so bold, she dare to give her veil to rongzhan, isn't it waiting for others to make a face?"

Speaking of this, more and more disturbing.

Other people don't understand him, but his wife should.

He said again: "I don't understand, how can Jiaoyue trust Rong Zhan so much? Is that what ordinary people dare to believe?"

The little girl doesn't know, but he knows it in his heart. It's a pile by pile. It's a lot of work.

Far away, near Is it true that Ruan Li and Zhou Nian were discovered at random? If it was not for him, where else would know?

Sou is really worried.

The third wife didn't think so. She whispered, "I think you think too much. Jiao Yue is still a child. How can she know so much? "

Su Sanlang really felt that his wife was spoiled by him. He was so simple that he didn't know anything.

He pondered for a while and said, "Jiaoyue is not small. She will be 13 years old after the new year. If she is an ordinary family, she will start to see each other next year."

The third wife gave him a blank look and said, "I don't know she'll be thirteen after the new year? But we can't say we are in a hurry? I want to stay in Jiaoyue for two more years! When you were a child, you said that it was hard for him to win the honor of Wang Jiaoyue? I see, you are in contact with big brother more. You have too many thoughts in life. Isn't it because you're jealous of others' tolerance? "

Su Sanlang is so breathless that he almost can't come up. Can you listen to this? Well done, he has nothing to envy Rong Zhan. This is not a big joke.

What's more, he's such a jade tree in front of the wind. Where does he need to be jealous of a stinky boy? This is not true.

Su Sanlang took the third wife's hand. Her hand was so white and tender at any time. Su Sanlang was a little confused for a time, but Rao was so. He still remembered the business!

He said, "Ah Ying, you really broke my heart. What's wrong with me? You're going to hate me like this. I'm just commenting on that kid

The third wife said, "I don't dislike you. If I dislike you, why do I like you so much?"

Su immediately laughed, his whole person with a bit of peacock open screen breath, whispered: "then you just spoke to that smelly boy."

Another meal, added: "he is really not a stinky boy, so old, not suitable for us Jiaoyue."

Their family Jiaoyue should be looking for a considerable, rather than such an old man, not good.

The third wife saw that Su Sanlang was struggling. She laughed and whispered, "after all, Sanlang thinks a lot. When Jiaoyue is over, isn't it thirteen? It's not that you worry about him more. In fact, I don't think we need to think too much about it. It happens that the two children are not mature and wait for two years. This may not be bad. "

In this way, Su was silent again.

The third wife said, "you have to think about it. Since we are not in a hurry, why should we be so busy? Prince Yu loved Jiaoyue very much when she was a child. I think his personality is very good, not what we think. At the beginning, I was unhappy because Jiaoyue was too close to Yu Wang Ye. But now I want to come, it's really wrong, not to mention that he is very good to us everywhere, just say something else. You have a good family background, good growth, can cook and protect people's weaknesses. Such a man is really hard to find in the world. What's wrong with him? Others have no malicious mind, just calm to Jiao Yue good, so also not become? If you really have a bad mind, where can you be so calm? Are you right? "

The third wife was very pleased with Rong Zhan. She thought that he was a very good Erlang. When she looked at her little monkey, she felt that if Rong Zhan was capable enough, she would not have to worry about her children.

The third wife is like this, so it's hard for Su Sanlang to say anything.

His heart is really 120000 disapproval, but his wife has said so, she is always difficult to directly refute, if it is really like this, I am afraid it will be driven out again at night. Thinking of this, Su Sanlang sighed and said, "what you say is what you say!"

The third wife laughed, hammered him, and said with emotion, "what do I mean by what I say? Am I not right? How can you think about it? Where am I so ignorant? "In fact, the third wife is more concerned about several children than Su Sanlang, and she is more worried about several children. However, she has been in contact with Rong Zhan and knows what character Rong Zhan is. In this case, she is quite relieved.

After all, what you see is the most right.

Jiao Yue doesn't know yet. She doesn't know anything. Her parents have already turned their minds for several times.

At this time, she was sitting in the old lady's main room, her legs hanging on the edge of the Kang. She kept shaking and said with a smile: "in fact, I think if the three sisters want to get married, it's better to ask several brothers to help her to give more advice to her!"

The old lady is telling her daughter about Rong Yue's marriage, but Jiao Yue interrupts on one side.

The old man said, "don't talk nonsense with me here."

Jiao Yue sighed and whispered, "I don't have any nonsense. You think, what kind of temperament they are? Several brothers often contact with each other. Naturally, it's not white. You know, you can't pretend in front of your peers. But it will be around the elders! Aunt, are you right

Su Yan Ran laughed. She said angrily, "I'm not such a double faced person. Who knows what's going on with you."

As a result, Jiao Yue's eyes widened, and she sighed: "how can Auntie do this?"

Since she moved back to Beijing, Su Yanran's personality has become more and more cheerful. Although she still has no children, she almost knows whose pot it is and won't say anything about her. However, we all know that she is somewhat pitiful, and even more with emotion. If we want to see people in our own family in the future, we should really have a good look at them. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will repeat Su Yanran's mistakes.

It's too bad.

Life for a lifetime, they even have no children, this is how hard.

In fact, Su Yanran's husband's family once wanted Su Yanran to take over a child from her family. However, Su Yanran did not want to, and the Su family put pressure on her, and the matter was not settled.

For this, Su Yanran naturally has her own ideas. Even if it is adopted, it is not her own child. If it is good or bad, it will be criticized by others. It is better not to do it completely. Although some people advise her that she should have a child to prevent old age, Su Yanran does not believe this.

Her mother is right. Even if she wants to have a child, the child must not be adopted from their family. Otherwise, she is afraid that she will be even worse in the future.

If they had not found out the truth of the matter as soon as possible, they would have done so much! Mostly because of those bad past, so Su Yanran is very alert to her husband's family.

But even so, she was in a good mood. After all, she was in the capital. Her husband's family was far away, and her mother's home was near. Su Cheng Hou's house is better than their family, I don't know how much, she was relieved, but in the past two years, it was more and more expensive.

"You, don't interrupt here. If you let your mother know, you'll get a good fight."

Jiao Yue Du began to have a small mouth. She said in a low voice: "you're not good. My parents will beat children. That's what happened when I was a child."

Su Yan Ran said: "Rong Yue's marriage should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. However, it can't be delayed because it's old enough."

The old lady nodded, and her heart was clear. She said, "speaking of it, all the children can't get married together."

Rong Yue is a legitimate daughter, naturally a little different.

It seems that because of Wang Rumeng's relationship, the second wife has been hurt. Recently, she has been a little withered, but she doesn't go out very much. She seems to be quite shocked.

"Sister seven, the cake you brought here is delicious." LAN Yue came over, smiling, because she was around the old lady since she was a little girl.

There is no embarrassment for brother and sister of Rongyue, and there is no parochialism of qiaoyue Qingyue.

Jiaoyue raised her chin and laughed: "of course, it's the most delicious food in rongbaozhai. I only make 30 boxes every day, and I'm sure there won't be any late."

The old lady looked at her smile and said, "a total of 30 boxes, you bring two."

Jiaoyue waved: "it doesn't matter. Cakes are for eating. I left two boxes of them myself. Brother Zhan has sent four boxes

This is the wrong hand.

LAN Yue stirred her little hand and sighed: "Lord Yu is really very good."

Jiao Yue's heart nodded sorrowfully.

Look at them two people so, Su Yan dropped head.

Jiaoyue inadvertently saw her expression, Leng for a moment, and then quickly looked away, eyes slightly flash.

"Sister seven, will you take it for me when you go out?"

Jiao Yue chuckled and said, "OK, here you are."

Su Yanran said, "how many times have your seven sisters gone out. My aunt came down and brought it for you

LAN Yue is happy.

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