Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 188

Jiao Yue didn't hear from Rong Zhan for several days, and she didn't know how he was. It was mainly because Jiaoyue was so unhappy these days that she felt strange and asked. Naturally, Jiaoyue didn't say that she was worried about Rong Zhan, but on second thought, there was no news about the thief in Beijing, so she was more puzzled.

Why did he get hurt?

But in addition to its an, cloud son is also guilty of murmuring, she said: "seven miss Oh, have you seen another quilt?"

Look around, but can't find it! How can a good quilt disappear!

Referring to this, Jiao Yue's face turned red. How could she say that the quilt was taken away by brother Zhan! However, she tried to calm her mood and said, "can't you find it? I didn't see it! Did you put it somewhere else? "

She lied seriously, but there was a twinkle in her eyes.

Yuner couldn't find it. He scratched his head and told the truth. Even if someone really stole something, he would not just steal a quilt! Some are gold and silver jewelry.

Jiaoyue whispered: "if you can't find it, don't look for it. Maybe it will come out on its own."? Are you right? "

This word, Jiao Yue herself does not believe!

Yun'er refused: "but I remember it was put here. I'm really old, and my memory has become very bad. Why can't I find it?"

Jiao Yue deeply breathed a sigh and went forward to layun'er: "OK! Don't look for it. Why can't you get along with yourself? "

Cloud son finally listened to Jiao Yue's words, but still murmured incessantly. Jiaoyue is a little embarrassed, but she pretends to be innocent.

Xiao Cui Dong Dong enters the door and she says, "Miss seven, there are guests at home."

Jiaoyue where can mention what spirit ah, there are no guests and her relationship, she is now most worried about is Rong Zhan's body.

Jiao Yue raised her head and said, "come on, come on? It's none of my business. "

Xiaocui is also aware that Miss seven is not in a good mood recently. She droops her small face all day long. She carefully says, "it's Lord Yu. He brought cakes."

They like food so much, maybe they will be happy? After all, Mr. Yu's craftsmanship has always been popular with young ladies.

Sure enough, Jiaoyue immediately stood up, full of surprise: "is brother Zhan coming?"

Without saying a word, he didn't even put on a cloak and ran directly to the living room.

Miss, with the cloud son, hurry up and look at the sky

Jiao Yue didn't listen to her. She ran to the living room, and her little face was flushed because of running. As soon as she entered the hall, she saw that she was sitting at the top of the hall. Jiao Yue's sight fell on his arm. He was dressed in black brocade, but he didn't know why. However, compared with the past, she seemed to wear a lot more.

Jiao Yue pondered, "good brother Zhan."

His eyes were still on his arm.

Su Sanlang was talking to Rong Zhan when she heard the sound of running, but she didn't think it was their little girl. She was not reserved at all. Su has enough in his heart.

Su's angry little flame is burning, but it's hard to scold his little girl. He is more and more uncomfortable. If it's not for this good-looking evil, how could their little girl be so disrespectful?

Su Sanlang pursed his lips and said, "what a nice girl's house is, there are no rules."

Jiaoyue stirred her hands and knew that she was probably making her father unhappy. She immediately made up for it: "I heard that brother Zhan came here, so I knew that brother Zhan must have brought delicious food."

She asked with a smile, "brother Zhan, have you made me delicious food?"

It's a natural look. Like Jiaoyue, Su Sanlang fell off her chair. Is it OK for her to be so upright?

Just want to reprimand two, see Rong Zhan smile nod head: "no!"

Jiao Yue's head suddenly drooped down, as if it was a abandoned listless dog.

Rong Zhan smiles, "I sprained my arm a few days ago. Although I'm recovering well, I'm not always suitable for cooking. I bought them, but they are all your favorite ones. I don't think you will dislike them

Rong Zhan has something in her words. Jiaoyue understands it immediately. She knows that Rong Zhan has come to tell her about her injury. It is said that Rong Zhan's arm is much better, so she is relieved.

Jiaoyue whispered: "the fool will sprain his arm."

She took a little provocation, Su Sanlang scolded: "Jiaoyue, you are more and more unlike the appearance, good talk with Lord Yu, no matter how, this is the elder, you are so disrespectful to the elder, I think you should learn etiquette again."

In such a short time, Rong Zhan has become an elder. Jiaoyue can see that her father is forced to become an elder.

But Jiao Yue didn't think there was something even, smiling: "brother Zhan won't blame me!"She came to the chair and sat down. Thinking of the quilt that yun'er was still looking for, she winked at Rong Zhan.

Rong Zhan is baffled, some do not understand the meaning of Jiao Yue's eyes.

Jiao Yue made another look.

Su Sanlang is really choked up in his throat. He really wants to go Give me a kick.

Their own children are good, is bad by bad people.

Yes, this villain is either someone else or Rong Zhan.

Now think about it. It was a very unwise decision to let Jiaoyue get along with him when he was a child. Su is really sorry.

Don't say it's su Sanlang. Even Rong Zhan is a little confused. He doesn't understand what Jiaoyue means. She keeps winking, but he doesn't understand. She should have asked him about his arm, but since he had said it, she had no reason to ask again. Su Zhan received his own sabre.

Jiaoyue looks at rongzhan can't get her own point, and feels silently that her quilt is probably gone.

Jiaoyue doesn't know yet. In the next half a year, the mystery of her missing quilt is bothering her two maid maids. They are both confused. She really doesn't know where the quilt is. She is really puzzled.

But now Jiaoyue is not easy to say more. She sits quietly with a shallow smile. The whole person is soft and cute. At this time, rongzhan sighs that this person is the best one to put on airs.

Su looked at his daughter again, relaxed and said, "since you have nothing to do, go back."

This is banishment.

Jiaoyue refused to go. She kept her mouth shut and refused to leave. She didn't know what brother Zhan's arm looked like. She always wanted to ask more. It was too humiliating to be expelled as a child. Jiaoyue raised her face and beamed: "I don't care. I haven't seen brother Zhan for a long time."

Rong Zhan slowly raised the corners of his mouth, with a smile that seemed to be absent. At last, there was no white pain in her. As a result, she was clever, sensible and lovely.

Su Sanlang feels that he can't come again. He can't help but he has not been a strict father since he was a child. Now, even if he is talking about something, his family's little Jiaoyue won't listen to him. He feels that he is really tired.

"You little girl, what do you look like here?"

Jiao Yue was serious and her voice was clear and crisp: "brother Zhan and I are not outsiders. Brother Zhan is my big brother!"

Jiaoyue blinks her eyes, soft and waxy.

Rong Zhan smile bigger, way: "pour is not wasted, since childhood pain you."

Silence for a while, and added: "a few days ago, the uterus gave a lot of southern fruit, you like it best, I will send it to you tomorrow."

Jiaoyue immediately bent her eyes with a smile. This person is so obvious. As soon as he expressed his closeness and friendship, he immediately returned his favor.

Jiaoyue's eyes are bent and her mouth is slightly cocked. The little pear vortex which is not very obvious on weekdays is indistinct and pleasing. She whispered: "brother Zhan is really too insightful to see the son. You should have sent it directly today. You know my favorite one clearly."

The corner of Rong Zhan's mouth twitched for a moment, and then his smile was clear and bright, such as the bright moon. He calmly said, "that's not mine."

Jiao Yue nodded with a smile and said, "that's it! If you send it to me today, would it be better if you didn't have to travel more in the cold winter days? "

"It's really my fault. If you like something next time, I'll send it to you as soon as possible. This is the most appropriate way. Is that ok?"

Jiaoyue quickly nodded: "excellent and excellent."

With such a strong sense of justice, Su Sanlang is really an old blood stuffy in his throat. His family is very ignorant.

Su Sanlang wanted to say something reliable to Jiao Yue, but she refused.

However, Rong Zhan is also a prince of honor. His status and status are in the same place. It is a bit ugly for him to banish others.

However, no one knows Su's inner activities. He only feels that life is very lonely like snow.

Jiao Yue rubbed her hands and said with a smile, "brother Zhan, what are you doing recently?"

In fact, Jiaoyue is very interested in Rong Zhan's injury that day, but she is not good to ask directly, so she has to beat around the bush.

Rong Zhan's fingers slipped over the cup and took out the handkerchief to wipe his hands. There were many dark blue handkerchiefs. However, this time, he took out a one month white handkerchief embroidered with light blue daisies. After wiping his hands, he did not throw them aside as usual, but put them back directly.

People in the capital don't know who rongzhan is. He is usually afraid of being dirty and has high requirements. Today, it is very rare.

Su San Lang slightly frowns, to be honest, he now looks at that PA son, how so familiar?

Su Sanlang's sight falls on Jiao Yue's body, suspiciously looks up and down, and increasingly suspects that the PA is Jiao Yue's.

The girl of Jiaoyue in their family likes this kind of handkerchief. Where doesn't he know that he is a father?After receiving the suspicious eye wave from my father, Jiaoyue immediately smiles: "Daddy, I gave the PA to brother Zhan. Do you like it and I'll give it to you? "

Su Sanlang puffed out his tea like this

What if he wants to cry a little?

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