So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 928: Meet the rival again (1)

Ji Anning didn't understand what they were talking about, looked at the door in confusion, Yang Yufang had already left and closed the door.

The lonely figure of Yang Yufang just now flashed in her mind, and she immediately interrupted her thoughts, not letting herself think anymore.

With a smile, he handed the sharpened apples to them, "Shall we call dad?"

Ji Anning reached out and picked up the phone, entered Ji Chicheng's number, and leaned close to her, staring at the phone screen.

She quickly turned over the phone and looked at them and said: "Han's eyes are still not good. You can't look at the phone. Mom plugged in the earphones and let them talk to Dad.


"Your image is too bad, not suitable for meddling in the company's affairs."

"We old directors all think so."

"We are in favor of choosing Mingyue with both hands."


In the meeting room on the highest level of J.C, the lighting is bright everywhere, with rectangular meeting tables and hollow-leg chairs.

Ji Mingyue sat in the center, and Ji Chicheng sat beside her.

Listening to the old directors in the board of directors criticizing, condemning, and reprimanding him for his character, three views, and morals like a criticism meeting.

His face was calm, his upper body languidly leaned on the back of the chair, without interjecting, refuting, angry, or sad.

It's as if not talking about him.

Everyone, you say what I say, in the tone of the elders.

When they all disappeared, Ma Wenhua, who has the most shares among them, slowly said, "Although we are all small shareholders, we are all following the old Ji in the beginning. We have the right to speak about the company."

He looked at Ji Chicheng seriously, righteously saying, "Before you and Ji Anning have figured out the relationship, we all hope that you will not interfere with anything in the company."

"Finally, as an old friend of your father, I still want to remind you that people were watching yesterday. It is better to do less ethical things."

As soon as Ma Wen's words fell off, the others immediately nodded and agreed with him.

With the support of other shareholders, Ma Wenwen's mouth was proudly raised. It is one thing to sincerely hope that the company is good, but it is another thing to not understand Ji Chicheng.

Originally, he responded to Ji Chicheng because of the fact that Ji Chicheng and Yang Danning were almost engaged. After Ji Chicheng went to his son's wedding to steal the limelight from their Ma family last time, he even more resented him.

With such a good opportunity to suppress him, he certainly would not let it go.

After everyone nodded and calmed down, Ji Chicheng nodded lazily.

With a ‘um’, he raised his head, glanced lightly at everyone present, and then said without rush, "I agree with everything you said."

An illusion is definitely an illusion.

Such a good-tempered and talkative Ji Chicheng can only appear in hallucinations.

Even Ji Mingyue didn't believe that Ji Chicheng was really humbly listening.

Huh, agree?

I won’t say anything else. Regarding his and Ji Anning’s affairs, he also agrees with the outside world and realizes that he has done something wrong?

Ghosts believe it!


Sure enough, the follow-up came.

After Ji Chicheng stretched out the ending, and whipped everyone's appetites, he slowly said: "After all, our country has freedom of speech and freedom of thought. I can't control your speech and thoughts. I can't do things that violate the law." --End of chapter content-->