So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 927: Will not forgive (2)

"What happened to the mother-in-law's eyes?"

Ji Anning was a little surprised, and she shouted Yang Yufang's mother-in-law in surprise, and Haishi called her grandma as her mother-in-law.

And she shouted so smoothly, not afraid of her at all.

Before Yang Yufang and Ji Jingfeng had kidnapped and threatened her to transfer their shares, they were so scared that time, now they see Ji Jingfeng and run away in fear.

Although the little guy is really good to her, she sticks to whoever, but whoever bullies her, she will definitely not be nice to that person again, no matter how love is to please her.

So even if the little girl was in Ji's house, and the woman tried to please her, it was impossible for the little girl to have no shadow in her heart.

Looking at the scenes of getting along with Yang Yufang, Ji Anning pouted little mouths one after another, with curiosity in her eyes, not a trace of fear or fear.

Is it... really the function of blood?

No, she doesn't admit it because of this, what is the blood relationship?

In the face of fame and wealth, it is still worthless, and it can still be cut off.

"Mother-in-law's eyes hurt a little bit, and it will be fine in a few days." Yang Yufang reached out and touched the gauze eye, smiling slightly and replied.

"Oh!" They nodded, and then she covered her left eye as if showing off, and blinked her right eye at Yang Yufang, "All eyes are better, so you can see."

She grinned and her voice was clear and cheerful.

Yang Yufang also laughed, "It's great, you can see it with both eyes, and you don't have to worry about the corner of the table and the vase anymore."

I have hit the vase and table corner the most times before.

"The mother-in-law is not afraid, and the mother-in-law can see it." One after another, they stretched out their little hands and gently patted the gauze on Yang Yufang's eyes, encouraging and comforting her.

Nuonuo's voice is innocent and kind.

Yang Yufang couldn't help but wet her eyes again, she pressed her lips tightly and nodded vigorously, "Well, mother-in-law is not afraid, mother-in-law must be as brave as they are."

Ji Anning's eyes couldn't stop sore, she raised her head and took a breath, lifted her foot and walked quickly to the side of Dian, bending over to hug her.

"One after another, Mom will get you fruit to eat."

She turned around in a hug, walked to the sofa, and put them on the sofa. She bent down and sat beside her, picking up an apple and peeling it.

No longer looked at Yang Yufang.

Yang Yufang slowly stood up and looked at them mother and daughter, one big and one young, her eye was full of yearning.

For a long time, Ji Anning didn't look up, Yang Yufang lowered his eyes sadly, and turned to leave helplessly.

Ji Anning Xiaopingping's movements stopped, raised his head, and looked at Yang Yufang's lost back.

"Mummy, it's broken, not as good as Daddy."

The little girl next to her suddenly spoke, interrupting Ji Anning's mind.

Ji Anning looked back in a hurry, and picked up the apple peel she had accidentally broken just now, and judged her apple peeling technique.

She smiled, "Well, the fathers who are in succession are super fathers, invincible fathers.

Can protect one after another, protect their mother and daughter father.

"Where is the mother-in-law?"

Suddenly noticing that Yang Yufang was missing, she asked Ji Anning curiously.

"Let's go." Ji Anning replied faintly, and then asked quietly: "Like her?"

They pouted and nodded, "Mother-in-law is bad and bad uncle, and bad uncle is so disgusting."

Mother-in-law is bad for uncle? Who is the bad uncle?