So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 925: If you are my son (3), ask for a monthly pass

He shook his head, unwilling to accept this fact, "My shares, my shares cannot be fake."

He rushed to Ji Mingyue like crazy.

Wu Qingsong, who was behind Ji Mingyue, immediately stood in front of Ji Mingyue and stopped Ji Jingfeng. He did not speak.

"Go away." Ji Jingfeng pushed Wu Qingsong, looking at Ji Mingyue excitedly, "Sister, you obviously gave me the shares, that authorization letter can't be fake."

Ji Mingyue still didn't look at him, and faintly said to Wu Qingsong: "Qingsong, please push me away."

Wu Qingsong nodded, turned around and pushed Ji Mingyue around from the other side.

"No, I am the president of J.C."

Ji Jingfeng roared, clutching someone like crazy, "I am the president of J.C."

At this time, the reporters' cameras were facing him, and the scene was chaotic. Ji Chicheng coldly ordered the security guard outside the door: "What are you still doing at the door? Don't take him away."

The security guard heard the order and entered the door immediately.

Ji Jingfeng let go of the person he was holding, and pointed at Ji Chicheng again, and sneered: "Ji Chicheng, I want the whole world to know about your disgusting relationship with Ji Anning. You are related to uncles and nephews by blood, so you were born. A blind daughter came out."

Ji Chicheng narrowed his eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, urging the security guard, "Don't take him away yet!"

"Ji Anning is the daughter of Yang Yufang and Ji Weisen, and Ji Anning and I were swapped for the crown prince by Yang Yufang..."

But what should be said, Ji Jingfeng still said it.

This one after another broke the news, but in the end it was not effectively confirmed, which dampened the appetites of reporters and netizens.

Ji Jingfeng was dragged away by the security guards, and he yelled unwillingly, using various words to slander Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning.

This news is even more exciting than Char's just saying that Ji Chicheng is his son. The reporter followed up and asked.

The scene of the whole press conference suddenly fell silent, and Char took his gaze back from the outside and looked at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng is a cold face that has not changed for thousands of years.

Not afraid of him running away, Char raised his foot and approached him, sighing leisurely, "Hey, little handsome guy, I have the heart to help you, you don't appreciate it."

As I glanced at him, the smile on his face deepened, "You said that if you are my son and you are with your little niece, wouldn't it be indecent?"

Obviously, he knew An Ning's identity a long time ago, and knew his relationship with An Ning.

Ji Chicheng looked slowly, looking directly at Char, with a sneer flashing in his eyes, and his lips curled up with a sneer.

He craned his neck, leaned to Char's ear, and said every word: "Even if you love her again, she is also my dad's woman. She gave birth to a son for Ji Zhengdao!"

After speaking, he took another cold look at Char.

Then raised his foot, walked past him, and left without looking back.

‘Even if you love her again, she is also my dad’s woman. She gave birth to a son for Ji Zhengdao...’

Ji Chicheng's words, every word, were like the tip of a needle, piercing Char's heart, his tall body trembled slightly.

In his deep blue eyes, there was a sharp light gleaming.

Ji Zhengdao, I will definitely ruin your things related to A Cai, including your son.

A Cai can only belong to him, completely!


‘You are related to uncles and nephews by blood, so you gave birth to a blind daughter...’

Ji Anning's ears kept echoing Ji Jingfeng's words.