So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 924: If you were my son (2)

"Does he really raise his son for others to this day?"

Ji Mingyue couldn't listen to this question.

In the impression, Ji Chicheng is the treasure in the palm of the old man. Ji Chicheng wants his head, and his old man can cut his head off and give him.

Now that his old man is gone, he has to be questioned that his son is not his own...

Thinking about it, she raised her head and said loudly: "The Ji family accounted for 62% of JC’s shares, of which 32% was given to me by my father before his death. The other 30% Shares. My father gave it to my brother on his 18th birthday. This is the best proof. It is extremely stupid for everyone to question this because of this mad dog’s words."

She rebutted this loudly.

But what I never expected was that Ji Jingfeng was the first to stand up and lean on her side.

"I agree with my sister-in-law, although my brother-in-law was born by a wild woman outside..."

But Ji Jingfeng hadn't finished speaking, Char's face suddenly darkened, and the instant change made people feel like they had gone from heaven to hell.

He rushed to Ji Jingfeng at lightning speed, stretched out his hand to pinch his neck, "boy, you say it again!!!"

Ji Jingfeng's breathing was instantly stuck. He opened his mouth and stared at Char in horror.

The people around were shocked by Char's sudden move. After a moment of stunned, the flashes flashed faster than the lights in the disco bar.

The main purpose of this press conference today is to replace the chairman of J.C. It is to completely eliminate Ji Jingfeng’s worries.

Ji Jingfeng suppressed all his emotions towards Char, and stared coldly at Ji Jingfeng, who was still pinched by Char, "Ji Jingfeng, 32% of the shares are still with Ji Mingyue. You were stolen. The authorization is fake, so you don’t even have zero point and one percent of JC’s shares."

"No..." Ji Jingfeng stared and opened his mouth, but his throat was pinched and he couldn't make a sound.

However, what Ji Chicheng said also aroused Char's interest, and he let go of Ji Jingfeng's neck.

Step back, waiting for a big show with interest.

After being released, Ji Jingfeng took a few breaths, and then looked at Ji Chicheng out of breath, "Impossible, you are less deceiving, now I am the biggest share of J.C."

Ji Chicheng did not argue with him, and shouted behind him: "Lawyer Liu."

Attorney Liu came over immediately, holding a transparent document bag with several documents in it, the first of which was J.C's equity authorization letter.

"Master Jing Feng, your authorization letter is indeed a forgery. The young master knew that you would steal it from his safe, so he replaced it a long time ago. This one is true."

Ji Jingfeng looked at the power of attorney in Lawyer Liu's hand and shook his head in disbelief, "No...impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

He raised his head and looked at Ji Mingyue, "Sister."

After all, he grew up in Ji's parents, Ji Mingyue was more or less intolerable, and Ji Jingfeng also knew about the relationship between Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning.

She was afraid that he would burst out here.

So I didn't look at him, and didn't want to say too much to him.

She stretched out her hand to hold the microphone in front of her, and announced concisely, "After everyone has been recommending, I decided to accept the post of J.C. President, and I will take office today."

Ji Jingfeng looked at the directors and none of them stood up against it.