So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 921: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (19)

"It is reported that your company has reached the capital turnover, and needs to sell shares to maintain the operation of the projects that have been carried out, is that true?"

'what! 'Ji Mingyue acted as if he heard a big joke. She said: "This news is really ridiculous. Our JC has been thriving under my father's management. If we need funds, some banks are willing to cooperate with us. "

As she said, she pointed at the people in the front row of the stage, and introduced them to everyone one by one, "The stage is Chief Zhao of the Shanghai City Headquarters, and the Chief Minhang of G..."

After the introduction, she retracted her hand and looked at the camera lens again, "You can ask them if what I said is true."

"If J.C needs it, our S bank will naturally cooperate."

The president of Bank S took the lead to stand up and make a statement.

Several others also expressed the same attitude as the S line.

These are the big banks of the country, enough to refute the rumor of the J.C. economic crisis.

So, everyone began to wonder, since there is no economic crisis, why buy shares and then sell them?

"This is the main reason why J.C. held this press conference today."

Ji Chicheng suddenly stretched out his hand, took the microphone in front of Ji Mingyue, straightened his waist, looked at the audience and said, “Because JC’s current top management Ji Jingfeng used his position during his tenure to privately acquire other shareholders, and then sold them to other shareholders who were plotting against JC. People who have seriously harmed the company’s interests and corrupted the company’s ethos, so I discussed with the company’s other largest share, my fourth sister Ji Mingyue, and decided to change the management, and received support from other directors."

As he said, he glanced at the shareholders who were sitting left and right.

It concerns the interests of the company and everyone. At this time, everyone is on his side and nodded in cooperation.

But reporters questioned this. After all, Ji Chicheng has a bad name for stealing his nephew's woman, so it is not surprising that he would steal the company.

"Regarding the rumors that Young Master Ji snatched his nephew and killed Chairman Ji, can Young Master Ji take this opportunity to clarify for himself?"

Finally, someone smelled the question about Ji Anning.

Ji Chicheng's face suddenly became cold, and his piercing gaze swept towards the female reporter who was questioning. Before she could even speak, the female reporter paled in shock.

Begin to review if I should not ask.

Ji Chicheng nodded suddenly, "Yes, I cuckold my nephew."

As he said, he straightened his chest frankly, then raised his eyebrows coldly at the reporter, "What? Are you going to complain for him?"

The female reporter shook her head in horror, "Ji Shao is joking."


None of the people present inadvertently scolded Master Ji as inferior to animals, including his sister Ji Mingyue.

The other directors really couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that this conference would end early.

"We unanimously decided to replace the president, and voted for Ji Mingyue to be appointed."

Among them, except for Ji Mingyue and Ji Chicheng, the Ma article with the most shares spoke.

The reporters started a new round of questions.

"What does President Ji think about such a big matter?"

"Can Mr. Ji come out and talk to us?"

"Is this press conference held without telling President Ji?"

One question after another was thrown at Ji Chicheng, none of them were questioning others' character.