So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 920: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (18)

The microphone was facing Ji Mingyue who was sitting in the center, and she smiled and faced the reporter's flashing light.

Ji Chicheng was sitting on her left, with Erlang's legs tilted, his hands folded on his thighs, his body leaning against the back of the chair, his head tilted slightly.

Lazy and casual, calm and calm.

It was in sharp contrast with Ji Mingyue, who was a little nervous beside her.

There are still people coming in, there are media, and J.C. senior management with the right to speak.

"Mingyue, time is almost up."

An old man a few places away from Ji Mingyue reminded Ji Mingyue in a low voice.

This conference was held by Ji Chicheng in the name of Ji Mingyue. If not, these old shareholders who still have some feudal ideas would not come.

Because in their minds, Ji Chicheng is robbing his niece and his daughter-in-law, **** off his old father's unfilial son, and is a heinous demon.

So from what they had, they just discussed with Ji Mingyue.

Ji Mingyue glanced down at the watch, and it was nine o'clock in less than two minutes. The press conference was scheduled to start at nine o'clock on time.

She was a little nervous, sighed, then raised her head and smiled at the flash.

She put on a light makeup on her face, and in order to make her look more aura and prestige, the makeup artist put a crimson lipstick on her.

Wearing long hair and matching black and white color matching suit, he is very capable.

"Thanks everyone..."

To relieve the tension, Ji Mingyue spoke, but the microphone was a bit far away, and her voice in the speaker was not amplified enough.

Just when she was about to reach out and move the microphone forward, a hand suddenly stretched out behind her to pick up the microphone in front of her, and moved closer to her.

It was Wu Qingsong who arranged for Ji Chicheng to sit behind her.

"Thank you." Ji Mingyue raised her face and thanked Wu Qingsong.

Wu Qingsong bent her lips and smiled at her, honest and sincere, full of encouragement, so Ji Mingyue felt very relieved.

She took a deep breath, pressed her lips tightly, then turned around, continued to face the microphone, and said loudly: "Thank you all media, all directors for coming to this press conference."

As soon as Ji Mingyue spoke, the reporters pressed the shutter faster, and there was a shutter sound from the audience.

Then the reporters asked anxiously.

"Does your company suddenly hold a press conference that is important to announce?"

"Why don't you see Ji Jingfeng, the president of J.C.?"

"Will he attend this press conference?"

"Yue Sen Char, the top management of ColourWorld in Country Y, became one of J.C's major shareholders. Is this true?"


One question after another.

Finally, when I asked about Dochar and J.C. shares, the faces of Ji Chicheng and Ji Mingyue on the stage became cold at the same time.

A touch of deep hatred, passing through Ji Mingyue’s eyes, she straightened her waist and snorted coldly into the microphone, "Hmph, our JC will definitely fight the illegal elements who seek benefits in our JC through improper means, and it’s impossible. Let a foreigner become our shareholder."

She gritted her teeth, her eyes full of resentment.

Another reporter asked questions.

"Isn't Ji always here to attend the press conference today because of the serious injuries he was beaten at the celebration dinner of Chairman Herixin yesterday?"

Ji Mingyue calmly replied: "He doesn't need to attend this press conference today."