So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 912: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (10)


Qi Helian glanced at Xiang Yiqing with contempt, but recalled his words in his heart.

I always think that what I can't get is the best, and what I get may be inappropriate...

It seems... it really is.

When I was young, I liked something and I always had to buy it home. After I bought it, I found that it was not as good-looking as it was in the window.

Other people's meals are very delicious and delicious. When I go home, my own cook makes exactly the same food, but I can't always taste it.

Two people, don't find the little sister, there is nothing fun, after drinking two bottles of red wine, they got up and went home to sleep.

Qi Helian drank most of the wine, and the two also drank a lot while singing.

Standing up, his head shook a little, Xiang Yiqing supported him.

The lights in the hall are equally dim, and the colors of the lights alternate, making it even more dazzling.

‘Should I walk away quietly, or be brave to stay...’

On the stage, the singer held the microphone and sang affectionately, but the singing did not fit into the atmosphere of this bar.

Qi Helian stopped and looked at the stage, inexplicably angry, "Who, are you going to break up? Click this kind of song to spoil the atmosphere."

Many times he wondered if he should walk away quietly, but he couldn't help staying, even if he looked at it for an extra second.

Knowing it is meaningless.

When Xiang Yiqing drank too much, he was afraid that he would make trouble here, so he quickly helped him to leave.

"One more song, I want to listen to "Only Mother is Good in the World"."

A drunk woman's voice sounded, her voice very loud.

‘Puff’ Qi He chuckled, "Who, didn’t that woman come to make fun?"

As he spoke, he looked in the direction of the sound.

The woman in the dress was sitting at the bottom of the stage. At this moment, she stood up, holding one hand high, holding probably money in her hand, waving in the air.

The thin body, twisted and uncertain, was obviously drunk.

Qi Helian shook his head, "It is probably another woman who has been hurt by love."

Suddenly, Xiang Yi next to him relaxed his arms, walked away with his long legs, and walked towards the stage.

"Xiang Yiqing, where are you going?"

Seeing his tall figure walking away, Qi Helian yelled and raised his heel.

Xiang Yiqing walked behind the girl and looked at the girl's twisting waist and the little hand waving to his heart. He thought about it before reaching out and patted the girl's shoulder gently.

"Xin Xiaoxiao?"

He could recognize this lively little figure at a glance, and he definitely did not recognize the wrong person.

The environment was a little noisy, and I was afraid that Xin Xiaoxiao would not be able to hear his usual voice, so Xiang Yi increased the volume when he yelled softly.

Xin Xiaoxiao turned around leisurely and saw a man standing behind her. She pouted and asked, "Who... are you?"

After asking her to step on her feet, she craned her neck to move closer to the man's face.

Xiang Yiqing frowned, and just about to take a step back, the body of the girl in front of him suddenly tilted to the right. He instinctively stretched out his hand to support her.

With a slender arm, there is extra to his hand in a circle.

Having just stabilized Xin Xiaoxiao's body, ready to let go, Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly leaned forward, holding his waist with both hands.

Then he raised his small face and stared at his face and said: "I look at you a bit familiar. We seem to have seen it somewhere."

Xiang Yiqing was now annoyed that he was too much nosy.