So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 911: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (9)

He yelled, and the woman fell to the ground in fright.

Xiang Yiqing on the side looked at the little black thing Qi Helian had just lost, and smiled clearly.

There are so many entertainment places in the sea city, who doesn’t know Qi Helian’s rules, whether it’s a waiter or a princess who sings with him, enters his box, has a mobile phone on his body, anyway, any camera and recording function are not allowed to bring .

But there are always people who are not afraid of the challenge of death.

This is not the first time he met today.

The woman hurriedly got up and left, including the accompaniment singer, who was also driven away by Qi Helian.

"Let you not find what you have to find." Xiang Yiqing held up a glass of wine and handed it to Qi Helian, complaining by the way.

"They are all like you?" Qi He connected the wine glass, raised his head and drank it in one sigh, his anger dropped a little, and then he turned his head and looked at Xiang Yiqing disgustedly, "It's been more than 20 years. ."

His gaze couldn't help but move down, falling on the important part of Xiang Yiqing.

Xiang Yiqing looked back at him speechlessly, and wanted to splash the wine in his hand at his face that was more beautiful than a woman.

"Is it right?" Qi Helian raised his eyebrows playfully, saying that he stretched out his hand badly and reached out to a certain part of Young Master Xiang.

Xiang Yiqing hurriedly pretended to retreat, turned his side, and glared at the playful Young Master Qi angrily, "Hey, Qi Helian, you are less perverted."

His face was red.

Qi Helian did not succeed, withdrew his hand, poured himself a glass of wine, held it up, sipped it, and looked at Xiang Yiqing disgustingly: "Don't you want to sleep with a few more women while you are single? Derailed after marriage?"

Xiang Yiqing despised him, "You are not righteous."

The typical three views are not right.

"It's almost thirty, and it's still a problem, and I also said that my three views are not right."

Qi He shook the wine glass in his hand leisurely, the red wine in the glass was turbulent.

Every word is discriminatory.

Xiang Yiqing straightened his body and said with a sneer: "Oh, you are not me, how do you know if I am or not?"

As he said, he lifted his head and drank the wine in the quilt, then put the wine glass on the coffee table like a tantrum.

Qi Helian was aroused by his words, and leaned close to him with a smile, "It looks like you are not here anymore?"

Xiang Yiqing's face was dark. Before he could answer, Qi Helian thought of something and asked: "When you were in college, it seemed that you had talked with the clinical department of your school. Did you put people to sleep at that time? ?"

"Go and go, can you think of anything other than this."

Xiang Yiqing stretched out his hand to push Qi Helian a little further, and looked at him disgustingly, "The more you talk, the less plausible you are."

When mentioning this matter, Qi Helian couldn't help but ask, "I remember you liked that flower very much at that time, how did you divide it later?"

"You still don't ask me." Xiang Yiqing shifted the topic to Qi Helian again, "I think you are not as interested in women as before."

Under the dim light, Qi Helianjun's face was eclipsed for a moment, and then he rolled his eyes at Xiang Yiqing again, "Yes, don't you know that I am interested in men now?"

After finishing talking, he drank all the wine in the glass and poured several more glasses in a row, all of which were dry in one mouthful.

Seeing a bottle of wine drunk, Xiang Yiqing spoke, "What you can't get is always the best, and if you get it, maybe it's inappropriate."

He said that he also added some wine to his glass, picked it up, and touched Qi Helian's glass.