So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 905: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (3)

Ji Chicheng has a black face, his hands clasped his legs, and his fists rattle.

But it is not him who is most angry, but her relatives.

Xin Hailong sullen his face, glared at Xin Xiaoxiao angrily, lowered his voice and shouted, "Xin Xiaoxiao!"

"You gave me this name. I have called it for 21 years, but I still haven't called it enough." Xin Xiaoxiao turned around and shouted to Xin Hailong.

His gaze pretended to spot Zhong Qingyang beside Xin Hailong by accident, with a look of surprise, "Oh, isn't this Zhong Qingyang, when did you get along with my dad?"

Just now Xin Hailong pulled Zhong Qingyang's sleeve to introduce Ji Chicheng, but he hadn't had time to loosen it.

At this time, Xin Xiaoxiao swept his hand and smirked, "No wonder this old man has not married for so many years. His original sexual orientation has changed."

Xin Hailong almost fainted without breathing in a breath. He flushed his old face and scolded Xin Xiaoxiao, "Little beast, I didn't die in the game, and I will be **** off by you."

As he said, he pushed Zhong Qingyang next to Xin Xiaoxiao and ordered Xin Xiaoxiao, "Take Qingyang to meet acquaintances. You will get engaged next month."

Before Xin Xiaoxiao's words fell, a waiter came over and leaned in Xin Hailong's ear, whispering something.

Seeing Xin Hailong's face changed, he glanced at Xin Xiaoxiao, hesitated for a moment, and then as if he had made some decision, he said to the waiter: "Bring them in."

The waiter nodded, turned and left.

Xin Hailong watched the waiter walk away, then retracted his gaze and looked at Xin Xiaoxiao deeply, "Xiaoxiao, Dad loves you the most, I hope you understand Dad."

His tone was a little heavy, and after speaking, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the banquet hall.

Xin Xiaoxiao looked at his father's chubby figure and was confused at his sudden deepness and seriousness.

"Hey, hey, what does this old man mean?"

Xin Hailong ignored her, and she did not catch up. She turned her head and glanced at Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, and said with a pouting: "It was better to just strip your clothes and taste your body."

Zhong Qingyang, who was about to become his fiance, was embarrassed and annoyed.

In front of the fiance, it is humiliation and the greatest humiliation for a man to expose his thoughts on the body of another man.

"Let's go."

Xin Xiaoxiao reluctantly stretched out her hand and took Zhong Qingyang's arm, "You didn't say that you liked me when you were a kid, didn't you hate me?"

Seeing Xin Xiaoxiao holding Zhong Qingyang away, Ji Anning sighed, "Hey, she is actually very obedient."

Although she was dissatisfied with her father's arrangement, she still obeyed.

It feels like her life must be chaotic, but very principled.

This is the impression she summed up in her heart after seeing her several times.

Ji Chicheng did not speak, but Ji Anning thought of something. He looked up at him and asked, "Uncle, what do you mean by that sentence his father said when he was leaving just now?"

After asking her, she looked at Xin Xiaoxiao's back again, "I always feel that it has no meaning, it seems to be getting a vaccination."

Ji Chicheng's lips remained motionless, but there was an inscrutable smile at the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be waiting for a scene to begin.

"Hello everyone, and welcome everyone to take time out of their busy schedule to participate in today's reception."

Suddenly, the music in the banquet hall stopped, replaced by Xin Hailong's voice.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden change. They looked at the center of the hall. Xin Hailong was standing there with the microphone in his hand, as if there was something important to announce.