So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 904: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (2)

The first impression of the whole person is that of high-level executives and elites.

Wu Tezhu was very happy and took him to Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, "Young Master, Qing Song is here."

He nodded slightly to Ji Chicheng, and then his old man said to Wu Qingsong next to him: "This is the young master. You played together when you were young. I don't know if you have any impression of each other."

Ji Chicheng's mouth pursed a small smile, "We have seen it when we were abroad."

Assistant Wu Te was surprised when he heard that, "Have you seen it abroad?"

Wu Qingsong nodded, "My young master and I met at a technical exchange meeting in country M."

After speaking, he made eye contact with Ji Chicheng, and the two smiled knowingly.

"You kid never told me." Wu Tezhu smiled and blamed.

Then he pointed at Ji Anning again and asked Wu Qingsong, "Do you remember who this is?"

"Anning." Wu Qingsong smiled at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning didn't have any impression of him, but knew that he was Wu Tezhu's son, and he had gone to a school with them.

She also politely nodded to Wu Qingsong.

After greeted each other and got acquainted, Wu Tezhu said to Wu Qingsong: "From now on, you will learn from the young master."

"Okay!" Wu Qingsong nodded, and glanced at Ji Chicheng with a smile, neither humble nor verbal.

Because it was Wu Tezhu's son, Ji Anning couldn't help but look more.

This person has a kind of general appearance, but he is very refined, but in the refined, he can feel a courage that young people rarely have now.

It looks very comfortable, it is the kind that people can trust at a glance.

"I'll take him to meet a few people, young master, you and Miss An Ning talk first."

After a few more chats, Wu Tezhu took Wu Qingsong to greet a few acquaintances.

Ji Anning looked at Wu Qingsong's upright figure and asked Ji Chicheng, "Uncle, are you asking for Wu Tezhu's son to enter J.C?"

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded, then he put down the wine glass, took Ji Anning's hand, and looked at the pedestrians in the hall, "I will also take you to meet the world."

With the other hand in the pocket of his trousers, he slightly raised his chin and raised the corners of his mouth, looking very good.

Ji Anning didn't know why he was suddenly in a good mood and was curious, but didn't ask, anyway, he followed him.

"Shao Ji."

They did not go for a while, Xin Hailong led a young man to stop in front of them, smiled and introduced them, "I will introduce to you, this is Zhong Qingyang, the son of Mr. Zhong from Yongqing Packaging, who has been with us since childhood. Growing up together, Fuxing's project will come in contact with you more."

After the introduction, the man named Zhong Qingyang nodded slightly at Ji Chicheng, "Ji Shao, admiration for a long time."

Ji Chicheng nodded, counting as a response.

In fact, when he took down the case of Fuxing, it was not that he was solely responsible for it. The division of labor was arranged.

However, such a large project was entrusted to an outsider to take charge, and the introduction added a sentence that I grew up with Xin Xiaoxiao when I was a child, and the meaning was obvious.

At this moment, an artificial voice that caused Ji Chicheng to run wild in minutes came from behind them.

"Ex-boyfriend, I really miss your handsome face."

Xin Xiaoxiao twisted her waist and walked to Ji Chicheng's side, leaning close to his handsome face, excited.