So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 900: What a big celebration party (8)

A few old ladies kindly reminded item Yi Qing.

Xiang Yiqing was embarrassed and speechless. Looking at Xin Xiaoxiao again, Xin Xiaoxiao also just looked up at him, met his gaze, and she winked at him charmingly.

He didn't want to talk, nodded slightly to a group of old men and old ladies, then turned and left.

"Doctor Xiang, wait for me."

Xin Xiaoxiao quickly got up, carrying her bag, and quickly caught up with Xiang Yiqing.

"Okay, we can go."

Xiang Yi turned his head lightly, raising his eyebrows uncertainly, "We?"

"You promised me, you will go to my father's celebration banquet." Xin Xiaoxiao speeded up and stopped in front of Xiang Yiqing, "You won't regret it?"

"Let's talk, why do I have to participate?" Xiang Yiqing folded his arms and looked at Xin Xiaoxiao, still raising his eyebrows.

He didn't believe that her perseverance was so good with him to repay him.

She was all over her body and exaggerated her ‘bad girl’ nature. Being so patient, she must have nothing to ask for. It’s like her father's lawsuit, she pestered him for a few days, before and after him.

"Okay, okay, let's not hide it from you." Xin Xiaoxiao pouted and finally told the truth, "There is a man I particularly hate to go today, and my dad asked me to marry him."

Having said that, Xiang Yiqing probably already understood what she wanted him to do.

At this time he wanted to say three words: grass~mud horse!

He looked up at the sky for a while, then looked at Xin Xiaoxiao, "I dug your family's ancestral grave or what did I do in my previous life?"

"I really don't want to marry that guy. He is a stallion. Marrying me is just for our family's money. My dad is really confused. He would agree to anyone in order to sell me. I doubt him. I was in a hurry to marry me because he wanted to marry another woman to come in, fearing that I would not be able to get along with his little wife. This old man is too sinister."

As Xin Xiaoxiao said, she stretched out her small hand, grabbed Xiang Yiqing's white coat pocket, and gently tugged.

A few days ago, who snots and tears in front of him saying that their old man is good, and that their old man did not marry for her for so many years, so touching?

It's really two skinny people, you can say what you want.

That's enough!

Xiang Yiqing didn’t want to be entangled by Xin Xiaoxiao, so he looked cold and looked at her seriously, “I told you, don’t come and pester me anymore, I will turn my face, I don’t want me to help you and be fooled by you. Did you hear me?"

After speaking, he turned around coldly and left quickly.

Xin Xiaoxiao knew that he was really angry, curled his lips, and shrugged his shoulders in frustration.



The celebration banquet for Xin Hailong to win the lawsuit was particularly grand. It was at their own Hairuida Hotel. The attendees were all important people in the business or political circles of the sea.

Firecrackers circle the square at the entrance of the hotel, and there is also an arched flower door at the entrance, which is very festive in red.

Ji Anning got out of the car and took Ji Chicheng's arm. Seeing this scene, she felt exaggerated.

"It was planned by Xin Xiaoxiao or Xin Hailong himself. It's too exaggerated. It's like getting married."

Ji Chicheng originally didn't want to come, but Xin Hailong personally invited him again, speaking very sincerely, and Ji Anning responded.

After all, the two are now in a cooperative relationship. If there are a lot of people coming tonight and he is not here as a partner, how do people think, there will definitely be the media taking this as a boo.