So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 901: What a big celebration party (9)

Wu Tezhu stopped the car and caught up with Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning at the elevator.

"Is Qing Song here?" Ji Chicheng glanced at Wu Te's assistant and asked.

Wu Tezhu nodded, "Get off the plane, on the way here."

When the son returned to China, his old man felt excited and excited.

Ji Chicheng said ‘um’, just as the elevator came, and he took Ji Anning into the elevator.

They were late, and most of them had already arrived. Familiar faces can be seen everywhere in the largest banquet hall of Hairui Hotel.

Familiarity is not because I meet often, but because I often see it in newspapers and magazines.

Seeing the crowded heads and the colorfully decorated banquet hall, Ji Anning blinked, a little dazed, "This celebration banquet is too grand, too high-profile."

Sure this is just a celebration party, isn't it a commercial reception or an engagement party?

Ji Chicheng curled his lips, "I think it's more than a celebration."

He walked away with his long legs and continued to walk into the hall, holding Ji Anning's hand with his hand.

Others are women holding a man's hand, it seems that a woman is very dependent on a man, and he is holding it, which is a manifestation of doting and doting.

Ji Anning didn't understand what Ji Chicheng meant, and asked him curiously, "Is there any conspiracy?"

"Wait and see if you know it?"

The smile at the corner of Ji Chicheng's mouth became more and more intriguing.

Ji Anning has never been very curious, especially for things that have nothing to do with him.

So he didn't ask Ji Chicheng any more, his eyes swept around the banquet hall, the melody of cheerful music, and the festive atmosphere.

"Shao Ji, it's rare to see you once."

A thin young man walked over, estimated to be about the same size as Ji Chicheng, holding a red wine glass in his hand.

He said hello to Chi Cheng, and then glanced at Ji Anning again, seemingly after some consideration, and then smiled and said, "Mrs. Ji."

The last time Ji Chicheng was drunk and used money to buy the waiter did not count, this was the first time he was called that way.

Ji Anning was very embarrassed, nodded to the other party shamelessly, and couldn't help but leaned against Ji Chicheng.

"I don't seem to know you." Ji Chicheng said with a cold face.

Ji Anning: "..."

If you don't know you, you can pretend to know you will die. It has to be so ugly, so... he really is not afraid of offending people.

Love, face, politeness, what the **** is all about him.

A flash of embarrassment flashed on the man's thin and thin face like a knife, but he returned to normal for a moment. He smiled and said to Ji Chicheng, "Your Ji Jingfeng and I are classmates in college, and we have a good relationship."

Rub, is this kid ignorant of their Ji's quotes or is it on purpose?

I don’t know that Ji Chicheng looks down on Ji Jingfeng very much. Does Ji Jingfeng also regard Ji Chicheng as a natural enemy?

Ji Chicheng nodded coldly, "Well, I can see it."

What? Can he see this?

You can tell who's friend is from a person's face. This B pretends to be ninety-nine points, which is more for fear of his pride.

But obviously, he was sarcastic.

The other party also heard it, but did not show any discomfort. He looked at Ji Anning again, and looked at her presumptuously, "You should be Jing Feng's childhood sweetheart daughter-in-law."

This child, who doesn't know how to chat, is truly brain-disabled, the identification is complete.