So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 898: What a big celebration party (6)

Then he took the blood pressure meter and tied it to her arm to measure her blood pressure.

Xin Xiaoxiao calmed down and cooperated with him.

"The blood pressure is too high. I need to go home and lie down to rest. It is not suitable to go out during this time."

After the measurement, Xiang Yiqing removed the straps from Xin Xiaoxiao's arm, and gritted his teeth to her.

"Puff ha ha ha..."

Looking at Xiang Yiqing's patience to the limit, Xin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laughed.

She was lying on the table, her shoulders shaking with a smile.

Xiang Yiqing lowered his eyes to look at her, and when she was almost smiling, he said, "Xin Xiaoxiao, I have a lot of work to do, you can go play it yourself."

Xin Xiaoxiao stopped the laughter, straightened up again, covered her heart with her hand, and said to Xiang Yiqing with her mouth pouting, "But there is still a heart, and the heart is stimulated. Would you like to take off your clothes and check it?"

Saying that she was holding the hem of her hand as if she was about to lift it.

The two young nurses who followed Xiang Yiqing saw this and blushed in embarrassment, looking for reasons to leave.

"Doctor Xiang, let me count how many elderly people are outside."

After they left, they did not forget to close the door. Only Xin Xiaoxiao and Xiang Yiqing were left in the house. Xiang Yiqing looked at Xin Xiaoxiao coldly, "Are you enough?"

"I'm so uncomfortable that I owe others, you promise me to accept our family's gratitude."

As Xin Xiaoxiao said, she got up and walked around Xiang Yiqing's side, stretched out her hands to embrace Xiang Yiqing's arms.

Xiang Yiqing realized that he immediately moved his arm back and said goodbye.

"You are such a weird person." Xin Xiaoxiao retracted his hand, turned to leaning against the corner of the table, facing Xiang Yiqing, frowning and pursing: "As far as I know, you don't have a girlfriend. You are so disgusted with women, I will I doubt you are gay."

People are disgusted with women, but are they disgusting with you?

The girl really didn't know anything about herself.

Xiang Yiqing felt that among Ji Chicheng and Qi Helian, his reputation as a ‘gentleman’ would be destroyed by Miss Xin.

He endured the last bit of temper, got up and grabbed Xin Xiaoxiao's arm, and dragged her out of the door, "You go quickly, I call your little ancestor."

Xin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "It's better to call my little wife."

Xiang Yiqing ignored her, clutched her arm, almost lifted her up, walked quickly to the door and opened the door.

Just as he was about to shake off Xin Xiaoxiao, Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly stretched out his other hand to put his arm around his neck and tiptoe.

The soft lips, like a dragonfly, tapped the corner of his mouth lightly.

Xiang Yiqing was taken aback.

Xin Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to push him away, and backed her feet more than one meter, watching the fading blush on his Jun's face, a smirk flashed in her eyes.

Turning and aggrieved, complained to the old ladies and old ladies who were waiting in the line: "Grandma and grandma, he bullies people. I am pregnant with his child. He doesn't want me now."

"Xin Xiaoxiao, you..." Xiang Yiqing stared, pointing at Xin Xiaoxiao, furious.

After hearing Xin Xiaoxiao's accusation against Xiang Yiqing, the old ladies said they didn't believe it, "Xiaoxiang is a good kid, girl, you must have misunderstood."

"It's really not a misunderstanding..."

Xin Xiaoxiao pouted her mouth and blinked as she was about to cry.

Xiang Yiqing gritted his teeth angrily, "I'll go."

Let's get her away first, and he will decide whether to go or not.