So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 897: What a big celebration party (5)

Waved hands and greeted them one after another. Xin Xiaoxiao held her head high and left in a high profile.

Wu Te helped **** Xin Xiaoxiao to the door, but did not enter the ward again.

After Wu Te helped close the door, Ji Anning took her gaze back and glanced at Ji Chicheng. She smiled leisurely: "This Miss Xin is really special."

There was a hint of sourness in the tone.

"You are boring." Ji Chicheng gave Ji Anning a boring look, then sat down on the edge of the bed, playing games with him.

Ji Anning said: "After all, I haven't seen any girl you hugged. Once a school girl fell in front of you, you were indifferent."

"It's worth keeping you jealous."

Ji Chicheng said faintly, expressionless.

What makes her jealous all the time is worth it? Ji Anning blinked, then looked at the man's calm attitude.

I really want to kill him! ! !


Xin Hailong's lawsuit was won, and he swept hot searches on multiple social platforms and newspaper headlines in the past two days.

The fact that Xin Xiaoxiao hosted a celebration banquet also spread on the Internet. When she was interviewed by the media, she not only thanked Lu Youtian, but also thanked Xiang Yiqing by name.

Hearing Xiang Yiqing's name, Qi Helian curled his lips with interest.

When did that kid get involved with this girl?

He stretched out his hands and picked up the remote control, turned down the TV sound, then picked up the phone and dialed Xiang Yiqing's number.

"In Haishi? Let's have a meal together tonight."

"No time."

Fengming Hospital regularly visits the nursing home to do compulsory medical examinations for the elderly. In the office where the leaks were collected, Xiang Yiqing just checked the blood pressure of an elderly man. After receiving a call from Qi Helian, listening to his tone should be nothing important. , Refused his appointment for dinner at night, and then he prepared to hang up.

Qi Helian said, "I rarely have time. Don't be so disappointed. Just set it up. I will call Ji Chicheng and eat together."

Probably not wanting to hear Xiang Yiqing's refusal anymore, Qi Shao hung up after speaking.

Xiang Yiqing frowned when he heard the beep, without thinking, winking at the nurse, and the nurse immediately went outside to summon the next elderly person to be examined.

"Next person."

Hearing the nurse's shout, a tall figure slipped into the room.


Xiang Yiqing just looked down at a text message on the phone. Knowing that someone had come in, he said hello politely and locked the phone screen.

Lifting his head, seeing the person sitting opposite, the smile on his handsome face immediately disappeared.


"Doctor Xiang, I have been inviting a man to our family celebration banquet these past two days, but I have been refused, and my heart has been stimulated." Xin Xiaoxiao held his heart in pain, and then reached out and rubbed his temples. The deputy may faint at any time, "The blood pressure may also rise. You can measure it for me as soon as possible."

Xiang Yiqing put his arms around his chest, silently looking at the arrogant woman opposite him.

A big ‘I don’t want to call you’ on the grim face.

Seeing that he was indifferent to her performance, Xin Xiaoxiao simply stretched out her hand, quickly caught Xiang Yiqing with one hand, hugged it, and pouted, "Doctor Xiang, the baby is really uncomfortable."

Xiang Yiqing's mouth twitched silently twice. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, isn't it uncomfortable."

Speaking, he caught Xin Xiaoxiao with one hand backhand, and the other hand stretched out to roll up her sleeves, revealing her slender white arms.