So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 852: Anning, let's get married (4)

Marry her.

Marry him.

But how can they think about this issue now? How can you become a legal couple with peace of mind?

They are... nephews and uncles.

"You drank too much."

Ji Anning don't open his face, looking out the window, the city lights are beautiful, everywhere is full of temptation, as long as their two hearts don't forget the original intention, right?

"Anning, we get married." Ji Chicheng kept repeating. He grabbed Ji Anning's hand, leaned close to his lips, and kissed the ring on her ring finger.

The heavy breath, hot like a flame burning, full of desire and possessiveness.

Ji Anning's heart was touched by his gentleness, his low, hoarse voice, and the numbness of his voice, just about to move.

Her lips trembled slightly, "Uncle, we..."

Before she finished speaking, the man's hand from her clothes suddenly pulled out, clasped the back of her head, and kissed her lips, "Um."

Ji Anning was stunned.


There is also an uncle who is close to old age in the car. She pressed her hands against Ji Chicheng's chest and pushed him hard.

Regardless of Ji Anning's resistance, Ji Chicheng overwhelmed her, and two soft lips pressed against her fragrant lips affectionately, biting and rubbing.

The man's breathing became louder and thicker, and his big hand reached into Ji Anning's clothes.

Ji Anning is going crazy.

I'm really going crazy, when did this man's Sanguan be so crooked?

Unexpectedly... even in front of an uncle, staged a passionate scene with no limit.

He is shameless, she wants more.

Ji Anning thought, after trying hard to push the man away from her, she quickly got up, but Ji Chicheng immediately climbed onto her lap, holding her waist without letting go.

Ji Anning was uncomfortable being pressed by him, and pushed him, "Uncle, get up quickly."

"If you can't get up, you can get up with your own kiss." Ji Chicheng turned his body straight, pouting at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning: "..."

So naive.

This is the first time her uncle has acted like a baby in front of her.

They have now left the downtown area and are on the way to the apartment rented by Ji Anning.

Ji Anning was afraid that if he didn't follow him, he would do something more unlimited. He simply lowered his head and kissed him gently on the cheek, then frowned, "Can you get up?"

But the man who just said that he would get up with a kiss, instead of getting up at this time, he hugged her waist tighter.

Ji Anning had nothing to do, so he had to let him hold him, and he would be home in a while anyway.


"Wu special help, stop."

Ji Chicheng suddenly shouted to Wu Tezhu.

What is he going to do?

When Ji Chicheng called to stop, Ji Anning was inexplicably horrified, not knowing what he was going to do.

Wu Tezhu didn't dare not listen, and immediately leaned the car to the side and stopped.

Then he turned to Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng and said, "I remember, I'm going to call my son. He will have an exam in a few days. I'm not far away. Call me if you have anything to do."

Saying that he immediately pushed the door to get out of the car.

Take the phone, dial the number and leave for Yuan.

Seeing Wu Tezhu's figure walking away, Ji Anning's face burned with flames.

She lowered her head, frowned and looked at the man holding her, "Uncle is going home soon, do you have to?"

"But I can't wait, I want to be in the car and want you." Ji Chicheng gritted his teeth, got up, and kissed her lips.

The big hand immediately caught her restless hand, not giving her the slightest chance to resist.