So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 851: Anning, let's get married (3)

What kind of joke is she, and she dare to say anything. He is a man, and for the first time he felt that it would be a disadvantage to make a joke with a woman.

Without answering Xin Xiaoxiao's words, he reached out and pressed down the elevator, his slender fingers, and his nails glowing elegantly under the light.

Xin Xiaoxiao raised his foot, walked over, stared at Qi Helian's enchanting face, and smiled jokingly: "But I also yearn for your body now."

Seeing Xin Xiaoxiao's squinted eyes, Qi Helian looked horrified, "Don't tell me."

He took a step aside, and with a ‘ding’, the elevator behind him arrived first, he turned around and walked towards the elevator hurriedly.

Xin Xiaoxiao followed him, but did not follow him into the elevator, lying at the door, blocking the elevator with his hand and preventing the elevator door from opening.

Then she stretched her head into the elevator and continued to squint at Qi Helian, "I heard that you have read countless women, so surely you haven't read me so upright?"

Qi Helian looked at her, her **** thin lips bend slightly, and friendly prompts: "Miss Xin, be careful of playing with fire."

After speaking with his hand, he pressed the close button.

Xin Xiaoxiao didn't stick to him, let go, and sent Qi Helian a charming kiss, "Young Master Qi, I'm waiting for you to burn me."

Qi Helian: "..."

Today he was molested by a woman, and he has experienced it in his life.

Qi Helian walked through the lobby, and the beauties at the front desk screamed when they saw him.

He gave them a very gentle smile, put on his eyepieces, and walked out of the revolving door. He didn't rush to put the suit on his arm on his body.

As soon as he looked up, the familiar champagne Bentley just passed in front of him.

I heard that you read countless women, you must have never read me so upright...

There was an inexplicable echo in the ears of Xin Xiaoxiao's just molesting him. He had read countless women and had seen many of the same models.

But there is only one of her.

The champagne-colored Bentley drifted away, mixing into the rush of traffic in the city.

Ji Chicheng fell on Ji Anning, his big hands in her clothes, he wandered freely, ignoring Wu Tezhu who was driving in front of him.

But Ji Anning was very caring, so she didn't dare to speak out, and blushed to endure the man's teasing.

"Anning." Ji Chicheng's other hand suddenly grabbed Ji Anning's right hand, clasped her fingers tightly, and clamped the ring she was wearing on her ring finger.

He reached her ear and whispered: "Let's get married."

Ji Anning's heart moved uncontrollably.

Getting married...This matter, she feels very far away from them, she can't even think about it, can they get married?

"Marry me." Ji Chicheng stretched out his tongue and licked Ji Anning's earlobe sexy.

It was itchy, Ji Anning couldn't bear it, she shrank her neck and pushed him a little, "Uncle, you're drinking too much."

She avoided his topic.

But Ji Chicheng insisted on forcing her to face, "Did you see the big red 囍 character?"

Ji Anning nodded, "I saw it."

She saw it as soon as she walked in, facing the door, it was bright red, how could she not see it.

"Marry me, I want to marry you, never separate." Ji Chicheng clasped Ji Anning's fingers tighter, and repeated his proposal.

"Anning, marry me, we get married."


They all know that this is their dream that has remained unchanged since the beginning of their relationship.