So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 849: Anning, let's get married (1)

Ji Anning stopped, turned to look at Yang Danning, looked at her calmly and said: "Originally, your kindness to me was paid off when you were in Country M. Yes, but I can still be generous and give you a blessing."

She could increase the volume of the words'when in country M'to remind Yang Danning.

To be precise, she was warning her. What she saw at the time was that Yang Danning was with a foreign man. It was obvious that she was doing a dishonorable transaction.

As she said, she helped Ji Chicheng back to the dining table and let Ji Chicheng sit down on the chair. Then she picked up Ji Chicheng's wine glass and raised it to Yang Dan and said: "There are times in fate, but there is no time in fate. What a force, I am very happy to see you happy. I wish you a happy wedding."

She raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

Then he withdrew his gaze from Yang Danning, put down the cup, and made a decisive decision without any muddling.

The atmosphere is very quiet.

Even Xin Xiaoxiao was settled.


Suddenly, Ji Chicheng applauded enthusiastically. He patted Ji Anning with a dozing look, then looked at the person next to him, and raised his eyebrows, "You didn't hear you applaud?"

Several old men, as if they had been poisoned, immediately applauded.

Everyone: "..."

"Our family's peace talk is too good, and the drinking action is too handsome." Young Master Ji stood up and staggered.

Ji Anning hurriedly supported him, watching him in high spirits, her mouth twitched and couldn't stop.

Is this her uncle?

"Everyone applauds, everyone who applauds has a big red envelope."

Ji Chicheng yelled at other tables, and the busy waiter,

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the entire banquet hall.

The two men and women stood together and completely took away the aura of the bride and groom.

The faces of Ma Wenwen's family are green, especially Yang Danning.

The full applause made Young Master Ji feel very good. He stretched out his arm to hold Ji Anning's waist, and said loudly, "This is Ji Anning, my woman from Ji Chicheng."

A waiter happened to pass by him, he reached out and caught him, and asked, "Do you know?"

"I know." The waiter nodded, "Hello, Mrs. Ji."

The sound of Mrs. Ji was really deep in the heart of Young Master Ji. He raised his big hand and waved to Wu Te who was standing beside him bravely, "Help Wu, give the red envelope."

Wu Te helped shame.

Busily took out his wallet from his pocket and took out the few pieces of cash. I was grateful in my heart that I took some cash with me when I went out.

Ji Chicheng suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed all the money, and gave it to the waiter.

Then he asked: "Do you think I am worthy of her?"

The waiter nodded, "With a look."

Who is this man?

She doesn't know.

Ji Anning lowered his head, wishing to find a place to sew in. If this guy is not standing still while drunk, she will definitely ignore him.

But if it weren't for drunk, he wouldn't do such a degrading thing.

"The local tyrant's taste is so strong."

Seeing Ji Chicheng stuffing the banknotes into the waiter's hand, Xin Xiaoxiao shook his head.

To be honest, Qi Helian had never seen such Ji Chicheng.

However, he understands that if it is not too painful and too heavy to be depressed, then there is no need to go crazy with alcohol.

"It's ridiculous to **** my nephew's wife so grandly."
