So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 848: Turn on face slap mode (5)

Xin Xiaoxiao shrugged, "No way, who made my ex-boyfriend look so handsome, I haven't slept yet, how can I be bullied by you."

As she said, she bent over, ready to reach out and grab Ji Chicheng's neck.

As soon as Ji Chicheng raised her head, she straightened up again and stood firmly.

It's...too shameless.

How could there be such a shameless person.

"It's true that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds." Yang Danning glanced over Xin Xiaoxiao's face with irony, and then looked at Ji Chicheng sneer. "

But Xin Xiaoxiao always grabs talk.

"Look at your sour tone. He will never change him until death. I molested me. I molested him. He can resist. I really don't know what happened to you."

Speaking, her hand stretched out to Ji Chicheng's shoulder again, Ji Chicheng raised a hand and raised a finger to warn her.

She immediately retracted her hand, and deliberately smiled at Yang Danning, "Those who don't know thought you would never forget my ex-boyfriend."

"Miss Xin, please leave."

Ma Wenwen couldn't hold her face directly, and he dared to leave Xin Xiaoxiao with a cold expression.

He was most afraid of the fact that Ji Chicheng and Yang Danning were almost engaged to be brought up at such times, so he did not invite Ji Chicheng graciously.

"I should go too."

Ji Chicheng suddenly got up. The moment he drank not only a little too much, but also a little bit fiercely, the moment he got up, he was dizzy and instinctively pressed his hands on the table.

Qi He quickly got up to support him.

Ji Chicheng's face was a little redder than before, and his tall body looked shaky. The white shirt on his body was not as straight as when he came just now, but it was a bit more messy and unruly.

Yang Danning looked at him, and asked unwillingly: "Didn't you say Ji Anning will come to pick you up?"


Just after Yang Danning's question was asked, the girl's crisp shout came from behind Ji Chicheng.

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and Ji Chicheng also turned and looked over.

The girl was wearing a goose-yellow long-sleeved dress with a small round neck and a little puff sleeve feel on the shoulders. Her long hair seemed to have just been washed, not completely dry, and scattered on her back.

She seemed very well-behaved.

She looked at the crowd, a little embarrassed, her eyes dared not wander, she only stared at Ji Chicheng, her eyes gleaming.

"Baby." Ji Chicheng pushed Qi Helian's hand away, staggered to the girl, and hugged her.

He called her baby in full view.

Ji Anning blushed and heartbeat, staring at the group of people staring at them.

She pressed her hands against the man's hot chest, pushed him away forcefully, and put his arms on her shoulders, "Uncle, you drank too much, let's go home."

Ji Anning helped Ji Chicheng and turned to leave. Yang Danning came from behind, looking at them, and asked coolly: "Ji Anning, today I am hosting a wedding banquet. Will you not give me a blessing when you arrive?"

Ji Anning paused for a while, and Yang Danning's voice continued, "At any rate, when you were Ji Jiatong's grandson-in-law, I always stood up to help you when Ji's family was humiliated."

She was still unwilling, still unwilling.

For a good man like Ji Chicheng, who is one in a million, she has liked it since she was a child, but she is still unwilling to watch him and other women go in and out, especially those who she used to be best friends.