So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 846: Turn on face slap mode (3)

She picked up the wine glass and smiled at Ji Chicheng Yingying.

Then he glanced at everyone in the room. Everyone just couldn't understand Ji Chicheng right now, and felt that this was a good opportunity to fix him.

So they all followed Yang Danning to toast one after another, respecting Ji Chicheng wine one by one, and even said some flattering words, saying how good the relationship with the old man was.

Ji Chicheng accepted it calmly.

He who doesn't like to laugh very much, still has a thought-provoking smile at the corner of his mouth.

But after a glass of wine, he didn't change his face, still glowing with that trace of blush, as if drunk.

After a lap, there were a dozen people, each of whom had a dry mouth. At the end, there was almost a bottle of red wine.

The last one was Ji Jingfeng’s turn. He glanced at Ji Chicheng, a sinister smile flashed in his eyes, pulled his girlfriend to his feet, and raised his glass to Ji Chicheng, "You are my uncle, and others are toasting you. I Why does He Jiaqi have to respect you three cups before it makes sense."

Qi Helian sat aside and watched the changes to the present. At this moment, seeing Ji Jingfeng also raise a glass to drink with Ji Chicheng, he couldn't help being interested.

Glancing at Ji Chicheng beside him, this guy really has the ability to let his nephew partner with an outsider to cheat him.

This is interesting.

As a good friend for so many years, he is not at all worried that Ji Chicheng will be drunk, and then he is drunk in front of others. After so many years, when did Ji Chicheng let himself make a fool of himself outside?

Those who want to embarrass him will definitely slap their own faces in the end.

Everyone is waiting for Ji Chicheng to respond to Ji Jingfeng.

Ji Chicheng raised his eyelids as if he was asleep, motionless.

Just when everyone thought he was asleep after drinking too much, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Ji Jingfeng, looked at his hand holding the wine glass, and smiled gently: "When did my nephew become a left-handed man? Up?"

The smile on Ji Jingfeng's face changed suddenly.

Hate and embarrassment are intertwined.

His right hand was cracked that day when Ji Chicheng kicked it.

Knowing that it was embarrassing to be beaten by him, he also deliberately mentioned it here, making his angry teeth itchy, but he dared not vent by pinching his nose.

Ji Jingfeng was thinking bitterly, and Ji Chicheng's voice sounded unhurriedly, "I remember, that day you accidentally injured a female employee at the company."

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Ji Jingfeng, "Is it?"

When everyone heard the words, they sighed.

Before the people, Ji Jingfeng was an upright gentleman who treated his elders modestly and politely. At this moment, I heard that he was beating people, but he was beating a woman.

Moreover, if she crippled her own hand, it is hard for everyone to imagine what the female employee would be like.

One by one, they couldn't help looking at Ji Jingfeng's right hand.

Ji Jingfeng's teeth were almost crushed, his face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, Yang Danning, who was sitting next to Ji Jingfeng's girlfriend, suddenly spoke, "Aren't your uncles and nephews going to drink."

In the eyes of everyone, she was making a round, and in the eyes of Ji Chicheng...

Ji Chicheng lazily raised his eyes and looked at Yang Danning, "When did the relationship between Miss Yang and my nephew be so unusual?"

He raised his eyebrows lightly, and his mouth curled into an unpredictable smile.

Yang Danning's face changed, "Ji Chicheng, what are you talking about?"

"What nonsense is he talking about, what are you excited about?"