So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 845: Turn on face slap mode (2)

Qi Helian: "..."

Sure enough, he teased the wrong person.

"You look more upright than Ji Chicheng."

Seeing Qi Helian ignored people, Xin Xiaoxiao clung to him, "No wonder my grandma likes you so much, she is your loyal fan."

"And my aunt and aunt also like you very much. Your movie is released, and the two elderly people also booked the venue for their friends and relatives to watch."

Qi He even gritted his teeth, this **** girl, without any dirty words.

Does their family like him all the elderly?

How did Ji Chicheng know this strange thing?

Not wanting to hear Xin Xiaoxiao's chattering, Qi Helian quickened his pace and walked through the tables of banquets.

His arrival surprised many people present. Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some people tried to take a photo with him, but his eyes turned down.

"They are very concerned about whether you really like Ji Chicheng. You grew up together, have you ever sparked a little spark?"

Xin Xiaoxiao also quickened his pace to keep up with Qi Helian's pace.

"Ask him." Qi Helian stopped suddenly, pointed forward, and smiled back to Xin Xiaoxiao.

Xin Xiaoxiao looked in the direction of his fingers, and the next second, her small face with delicate makeup was shocked.

But just for a moment, then another second, she smiled enchantingly, twisted her waist and approached Ji Chicheng with a cold expression, "Ex-boyfriend, don't you think I changed my body beautifully? Do you regret it?"

She walked over and stretched out her hand to take Ji Chicheng's arm, Ji Chicheng frowned slightly.

She immediately retracted her hand, turned her head to an old man next to her and said, "Uncle, can you change position?"

The atmosphere became strange.

"who are you?"

Yang Danning was already very upset when he saw Xin Xiaoxiao act on Ji Chicheng as soon as he arrived.

At this moment, the old man asked her to give her a seat and sit with Ji Chicheng. She really couldn't stand it anymore.

Xin Xiaoxiao raised his chin slightly and looked at Yang Danning proudly, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I am Ji Chicheng's ex-girlfriend."

In this case, the contradiction is really not so big.

"Heh, isn't it?" Yang Danning sneered, turning his gaze to Ji Chicheng, "Ji Chicheng, you really have enough ex-girlfriends."

The atmosphere is getting more and more weird.

Ma Wenwen's face was very ugly, and he immediately turned his attention to Qi Helian, "Shao Shao Qi is really saving face."

Qi Helian smiled, "I'm sorry to be late."

He took the time to come here, at most it was for the face of the Yang family.

He politely returned Ma Wen's sentence, then he raised his foot and walked to Ji Chicheng.

He looked down at Ji Chicheng, and saw his cheeks flushed, he smiled, "You drink a little too much."

Ji Chicheng chuckled, "It doesn't matter, our family Ji Anning will pick me up soon."

He deliberately increased the tone of the "ji" in front of An Ning, for fear that others would not know who he was talking about.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Ji Chicheng was a heinous demon king.

He made his nephew ugly in public, and he robbed his nephew for the company and projects, especially when he robbed his nephew’s fiancee.

However, no one dared to comment on his'evil deeds', so they could only complain silently in their hearts.

But at this time, the most unhappy in my heart was not Ji Jingfeng, nor was it the nervous Xin Xiaoxiao.

But the bride Yang Danning.

"Since it doesn't matter if you drink too much, then everyone can relax with Ji Shao."