So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 808: Invitation from Yang Danning (1)


The middle-aged man nodded in response and turned to drive.

Ji Jingfeng took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and put it to his ear, "Cancel all the itinerary on the 28th, and go to the coastal county to attend the wedding of Ma Wenwen's son."

Hearing the response from over there, the corners of his mouth curled strangely.


The scenery of the resort is very good and the service is good. After two nights, Ji Anning was reluctant to leave.

But Ji Chicheng’s time does not allow, and she communicated with the brand owner for an advertisement of her own originally scheduled to be shot next month, and it was early to the end of this month, so she could only come again next time.

This advertisement was received by her half a year ago. It is a well-known shampoo brand. It costs two million yuan in endorsements. There are a few advertisements. She only got it last month. She hasn't studied it well. All kinds of things are involved.

Next, she had to try on and audition, she must be very busy every day, so she didn't return to Ji's house, and took them to the apartment she rented by the sea.

Because it is quiet, the environment is good, and the scenery is good, this may be her last job in the entertainment industry, and she does not want to regret it.

Ji Chicheng called Sister Wu over to take care of her.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Today’s sea city is shining brightly again. Many people fly kites in the park.

After reading the book for a while, Ji Anning stood up, walked to the window, and stretched out facing the sea.

Life flies quickly. Counting today, she hasn't seen Ji Chicheng for a week. She rarely calls on the phone. He is too late to finish his work at night, and only has a conversation at noon.

'Tuk tuk tuk'

Ji Anning was looking into the distance, and suddenly there was a knock on the door behind him.

"Come in."

She retracted her gaze, turned to the door and responded.

The door opened, it was Mrs. Wu.

"Miss Anning, someone sent this just now."

Sister Wu held an invitation card in her hand and walked towards Ji Anning. Ji Anning raised her foot to greet her. She looked at the invitation card suspiciously. It was red and there was a happy letter, which was obviously a wedding invitation.

Who is getting married?

When she walked to Sister Wu, she reached out and took the invitation, opened it, and saw a familiar name, Yang Danning.

She was surprised and surprised that Yang Danning would invite her to her wedding.

"Thank Sister Wu."

Ji Anning glanced at the content on the invitation, thanked Sister Wu, closed the invitation, and said to Sister Wu: "I'm going out in a while. The last day of the filming today, you took them to the park at noon. Let her take a nap."

"I know."

Sister Wu nodded and went out.

Ji Anning changed his clothes, a white dress, a water pink windbreaker, long hair and sunglasses.

Then she walked to the bed, picked up the bag on the bedside table, and inadvertently glanced at the wedding invitation she had just put on the bed. She curled her lips, picked up the phone, and walked outside the door while texting Ji Chicheng.

"Uncle, Dan Ning sent me an invitation."

"Not going."

Ji Chicheng probably happened to be using his mobile phone, and quickly replied to Ji Anning.

His reply was expected by Ji Anning, not to mention that Dong Ma didn't want him to attend the wedding, even if Dong Ma invited him, he would not necessarily go.

Ji Anning replied ‘oh’, and Ji Chicheng did not reply to him again.

In the morning, Ji Anning kept repeating the advertising lines. One shot was taken more than a dozen times. The director said he wanted to find the best feeling.