So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 807: Your ex-girlfriend's wedding (5)

As expected by Ji Anning, not long after sitting down, Ji Chicheng and Ma Dong started talking about the company. Ji Anning didn’t understand the situation and didn’t understand, so she was the best The choice is to eat and take care of one after another.

However, she was also paying attention to the conversation between Ji Chicheng and Ma Dong.

It can be heard that Dong Ma is very supportive of Ji Chicheng, and he is not optimistic about Ji Jingfeng.

He will pay attention to and pay attention to these, but also because he accompanied his father to lay down the glory of J.C, so he cares about the company's future development.

"How can I sell the shares?"

Ma Dong clearly stated that he would not sell JC shares, and then he joked: "At least as long as I am alive, I will not leave JC. As for my children and grandchildren in the future, then I can't control it. "


Madam Ma was amused by her husband's words. She said, "Oh, I don't know where your grandson is."

As she said that, she looked at Ji Anning's arms and she couldn't help but squeezed her cheeks, "It's so cute, will grandma give you wedding candy later, okay?"

They nodded happily when they heard that they wanted to give her candy, "Okay."

Wedding candy?

Who is getting married?

Ji Anning was wondering, and Mrs. Ma's voice resounded in her ears.

"Shao Ji, why don't you stay with Miss Anning for a few more days, and also cheer for our Ma Dong wedding."

Before Ji Chicheng could speak to him, Dong Ma lowered his face and stared at Mrs. Ma, and said in a reprimanding tone: "Don't mix up here, Chicheng must be busy at this time, and it will be fine when your heart comes."

Madam Ma is still a little afraid of her wife, she immediately smiled at Ji Chicheng again, "If I am really busy, then I won't force it."

Ji Chicheng bends his lips slightly.

After a meal at more than seven o'clock, the genius was completely dark.

After waving goodbye to Ma Dong and his wife, Ji Anning asked Ji Chicheng, "Uncle, is Ma Dong's son married?"

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Yeah."

Ji Anning frowned, "How do we think Ma Dong doesn't seem to want you to attend his son's wedding."

"Heh" Ji Chicheng chuckled, "Because his son married Yang Danning."

"Dan Ning?" Ji Anning turned to look at Ji Chicheng in surprise.

In her mind, she couldn't help but recall the last time she saw Yang Danning in Country M. She was heavily makeup and she didn't look like the Yang Danning she knew.

Thinking, she nodded again, "Also, it's good."

Although she would never be able to socialize with her Yang Danning anymore in her life, she was still a friend after all, and now she has a destination, she is still happy for her.


It’s already dark here in the sea city. At the entrance of the high-end clubhouse with flashing neon lights, famous cars and men in suits and leather shoes smiled and sent away two drunk old men, waved to watch them go away, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his face gradually faded. cold.


He turned around with a cold snort to the distant back of the two old men.

A chubby middle-aged man hurriedly greeted him, approached him, and whispered: "Master Jing Feng, Wang Chao just called and said that the young master took Miss An Ning to the Xuxurusheng resort and met Dong Ma."

Hearing this, Ji Jingfeng's face changed, "He went to see Ma Wenhua?"

The middle-aged man nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

Ji Chicheng, have you started a secret fight with me?

Ji Jingfeng narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed through his eyes, and then he instructed the middle-aged man in front of him: "I see, you go and drive the car."