So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 779: Who is the master of Ji's house? (nine)

Ji Mingyue frowned, glanced at Yang Yufang, "What are you? Don't think that my dad handed over the company to Jing Feng, and you can gain power. You are you and Jing Feng is Jing Feng. ."

Her sharp words didn't leave Yang Yufang any face.

After speaking, she activated her wheelchair and went to the dining room. Sisters Ji Ruoqian and Ji Xiangting quickly followed.


"Ji Mingyue, what is your attitude? I am also your second wife anyway."

After being hit and insulted by Ji Mingyue's words, and in front of Ji Anning, Yang Yufang was furious and wanted to catch up with the theory.

Lin Yanqin gloated again and said, "Yang Yufang, in this family, you will never have a position. What if you give birth to a son? The father didn't leave you at all."

Just got angry at Ji Mingyue, now Lin Yanqin came here to kick in, it was obvious that she was here to be a punching bag.

Yang Yufang turned her head and looked at her sneer, "As long as he leaves a company for my son, and what his old man leaves you is just some fixed industries, I want to see you and your daughter hold those who can eat how long."

After speaking, she gave a cold snort, ignored Lin Yanqin, and looked at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning ignored her, raised his feet, lowered his head, and walked past her indifferently.


Yang Yufang followed Ji Anning. Ji Anning quickened her pace, obviously reminding her not to follow her, she didn't want to talk to her.

Yang Yufang followed Ji Anning to the top of the stairs. Ji Anning ignored her, so she gave up helplessly and turned to the restaurant.

Only Lin Yanqin remained in the living room. She was still standing there, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet stimulated by Yang Yufang.

Yang Yufang's words can be regarded as talking about her pain and hatred. Although the father left this house and several valuable properties to her, the total assets are only more than one billion yuan, how can it be compared with a company that can lay golden eggs. .

The old man didn't even leave 1% of the shares to the three of their mother and daughter, and she only owned the house, not the right to sell it.

She hates but can't understand the distribution of the elderly's property.

She felt very unfair. How could Lin Yanqin be oppressed by Yang Yufang, a **** born as a nightclub lady?

Absolutely not!


Ji Anning went upstairs in a hug and walked to the door of her room. She tilted her head and glanced at the closed door of the next room, puffed her mouth, and then twisted the door to enter.

Turn on the lights, and the dark room lights up.

The room was cleaned, and the sheets and quilts were all new. She probably knew that she was coming back today, so she opened the windows to ventilate. At the moment, the wind was strong and the curtains floated up.

She closed the door, entered the room, and put them down one after another, and then was about to close the window. When she reached the window, she instinctively looked at the balcony of the next room, and suddenly saw the tall man standing there.

At this time he had changed into comfortable home clothes, with his hands in his pants pockets, looking at her.

With a calm face, as if the whole world owed him money, Ji Anning saw it and leaned against the window frame amusedly, "What are you looking at?"


The man spoke, letting Ji Anning pass in a commanding tone.

That handsome face was still so rigid, without any expression, Ji Anning laughed and teased, "Look at your face, like a loofah."

"Come here." Ji Chicheng ignored Ji Anning's ridicule, repeated it again, and let her pass.