So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 778: Who is the master of Ji's house? (Eight)

Ignoring Ji Anning's call to her, she reached the sofa in a wheelchair and stayed beside Ji Jingfeng and Jiaqi.

"Mummy, eat it." One after another walked to Ji Anning's legs and raised the chicken legs in his hand to Ji Anning to eat.

Everyone in the living room looked at their mother and daughter. Ji Anning was very uncomfortable. She smiled and stretched out her hands to touch her heads, "Mommy won't eat, you eat yourself."

Then she looked at everyone, everyone was still watching her and they were there, she simply bent over and picked them up, anyway, she and Ji Chicheng came back together, just holding the attitude of making the relationship public.

Ji Mingyue's face was livid, as if he was about to attack but was hindered by the occasion.

Lin Yanqin and Ji Ruoqian's mother and daughter worked harder.

Ji Anning knew that they were all due to the presence of Ji Jingfeng's girlfriend. Although she was Ji Jingfeng's girlfriend, she had not yet entered the door of Ji's house. She was still an outsider.

The atmosphere is quiet and weird.

Jiaqi, who was treated as an outsider, looked at everyone with an incomprehensible look.

Frozen, she smiled and looked at Ji Anning, and broke the silence, "It turns out that you and Qi Helian really have a baby. I said why this baby is so familiar. I saw it on the news."

She opened her mouth to break the silence, but the atmosphere was even stranger.

Even more weird was Ji Chicheng's face. He looked at Jiaqi with a dark face.

Is this woman blind? His daughter, who looks so much like him, can't she tell? From what point did she see that they looked like Qi Helian?

"time to eat."

Family ugliness should not be publicized, Ji Mingyue still suppressed the anger at Ji Anning's return.

She greeted everyone, and she looked at Ji Anning alone again, "They are a little uncomfortable, you can take her upstairs to rest, and let Sister Wu deliver the meal to you."

Indisputable tone.

Just as Ji Anning was about to nod her head and say yes, Ji Chicheng suddenly spoke.

"Wu's wife is very free?" He frowned and asked another servant who was busy in the living room.

The servant lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Ji Mingyue was angry, "Ji Chicheng!"

Ji Anning quickly winked at Ji Chicheng, fearing that he and Ji Mingyue would argue.

Ji Chicheng didn’t want to cause Ji Mingyue to get angry at this time, in this case, "Then, by the way, I will also bring my food. In order to save time, it’s good to put it together. Anyway, my room with her Next door to the left and right, you can send it to either one."

He said calmly, then raised his foot and stepped upstairs towards Ji Anning.

Ji Anning looked at his cold and arrogant figure and sighed helplessly in her heart.


Ji Mingyue was so angry that Ji Chicheng's attitude had nowhere to vent. Everyone was still in the living room. She looked at Ji Jingfeng sternly, "Jing Feng, don't you take Jiaqi to dinner? What time is this. "

She was also angry that Ji Jingfeng had no eyesight. Anyone who was a little smarter should have avoided taking her new girlfriend long ago.

"I see." Ji Jingfeng hurriedly took his girlfriend's hand, "Jia Qi, let's go eat first."

When Ji Jingfeng and Jiaqi entered the restaurant, they couldn’t see anymore. Yang Yufang, who had never had a sense of presence, suddenly stood up and said to Ji Mingyue: “Mingyue, don’t be too strong. Anning is also a member of this family. What does it mean to not let her eat at the table?"

She raised her chin slightly, and her reproachful tone was not the slightest humbleness of her previous stay at Ji's house.