So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 761: Use her cornea (four)

Ji Anning thought he was moved, but he suddenly changed the subject, "You still have to discuss this matter with Mr. Ji. I dare not take such a big responsibility."

The members of their Ji family are all very precious.

Ji Anning asked for confidentiality, that is, to keep Ji Chicheng confidential, so how could he discuss it with him.

She stretched out her hand and hugged the doctor’s arm and begged him, "Doctor, I beg you, look at my daughter’s eyes so beautiful and so cute. I really can’t bear it. I think you should be a father too. You should be able to understand my mood."

At such an old age, how could one have no children, how could one fail to understand the desperate feeling of being a parent for their children.

The old doctor was a little moved by what Ji Anning said, but he still had some scruples, "Yes, I can understand you, but cornea donation is a big deal after all."

As he said, he broke away Ji Anning's hand holding his arm, "You must discuss this matter with Mr. Ji."

When it comes to Ji Chicheng, the doctor's attitude is resolute again. It can be seen that his greatest fear is Ji Chicheng.

Ji Anning is too, they are all, because he knows how she will react to this idea, so he dare not let him know.

"I am an adult, and I am a mother of a lot of people. This is something I can do. I only ask you to keep it secret for me. I just say that the donor's family don't want to disclose information and don't want to leave a name." She has a hug The old doctor's arms turned red under his eyes.

The old doctor didn't look at her, "Girl, this is a big deal. You are still young. Come home and discuss it with your family. Don't make a decision lightly. Maybe you can wait for the cornea donor soon."

Ji Anning shook his head, "We have been waiting for more than a year, and we have not waited. My daughter can't wait anymore. My eyes and my daughter's help to see the world are the same."

As she said, she looked down on her knees and knelt down on the ground, crying and begging the doctor.

"Doctor, I beg you, do me this favor, please understand my feelings of being a mother, I really can't bear to see her fall again and again because of her vision problems, she is still so young, and so Long way to go."

From the time she started to feel and walk, she wrestled more frequently than other children. She saw it once and felt distressed once.

She even regretted it once and regretted giving birth to her.

But when she was born, she should be held accountable, right?

At this moment, she does not have a star aura, she is not as squeamish as she looks, she is a mother, a mother who wants to restore her daughter's eyes to light.

"Miss Anning, get up first." The doctor hurriedly bent down to La Ji Anning.

But Ji Anning refused to get up. She must have asked until the doctor agreed to her, and her eyes couldn't wait any longer.

"it is good."

The doctor finally let go, nodded heavily, then held Ji Anning's arms in both hands and dragged her up, "Get up quickly, I promise you to keep it secret for you."

"Thank you, doctor." Ji Anning excitedly grabbed the old doctor's hand, wiping tears and said, "Thank you, doctor, thank you, doctor."

As if seeing the light again in the dark.

The doctor was moved by her maternal love, but she still had to remind her cruelly, "But the success rate of the operation is not 100%, you have to be mentally prepared for this."