So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 760: Use her cornea (3)

When they arrived at Haishi, it was the afternoon and they went directly to the hospital.

Hospitals that have checked their eyes in Haishi one after another.

"One after another."

Pushing open the door of the ward, Ji Anning saw one after another lying on the bed, she rushed over.

The little girl fell asleep, and when she heard Ji Anning's shout, she moved her eyebrows and was about to wake up. Ji Chicheng went over, grabbed Ji Anning's arm, and pulled her away.

Remind her in a low voice, "Fall asleep, let her sleep."


Suddenly, they raised a pair of small hands and waved them randomly in the air, nervous and scared.

Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng raised their feet at the same time, stepped over, still holding her left hand, and one holding her right hand.

"Mommy is here, Mommy is here, they are not afraid."

Hearing Ji Anning's soothing voice, the scared look on their faces gradually disappeared, and the frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded.

Putting the little girl asleep again, Ji Anning carefully let go of her hand, stood up and walked towards the door.

Ji Chicheng is at the door, and Mrs. Wu is holding him about the situation that has happened these days.

"Young Master, Miss Miao, these days, always... always wrestling, and her temper is very irritable. Until now, she fell asleep when she was tired."

Before Ji Anning's footsteps reached the door, when she heard Wu's words, her heart suddenly tightened and her footsteps stopped.

She turned her head and looked at the little man lying on the bed with distress, her eyes closed, so sweet and so cute.


"Last night I had a simple meeting with Dr. Xiang, and then communicated with hospitals in L city. The opinions of our two hospitals are the same. If corneal transplantation is to be done, it must be as soon as possible. Not only will the operation be successful. The rate is high, and it’s easier to adapt. In the future, rejection will be reduced."

The elderly expert doctor in a white coat looked at Ji Anning with a cautious look, and analyzed the pros and cons of his current illnesses, "I told him all these when Mr. Ji came just now."

Ji Anning lowered her head and nodded, "I know, I know these."

She already knew this.

She raised her head again, looked at the doctor, and whispered: "Doctor, there is something, I want you to keep it secret for me."

The doctor nodded, "You said."

"I want to use my cornea for transplantation."

Afraid of being heard by others, Ji Anning lowered her voice again, but with a firm attitude.

She thought it over, and had long thought of doing it.

It’s just that there was no Ji Chicheng before. She was afraid that losing an eye would lose the ability to raise one, so she never dared.

Now she has nothing to consider.

"Miss Anning, what do you do then?" The doctor stared at Ji Anning, surprised at her thought, but not much shocked.

Because this situation is very common for their doctors. Parents donate organs and skins to save their children.

Ji Anning smiled frankly. She said: "In this world, I have seen everything that should be seen, and all of them are born with only one eye to see. Her life has just begun, she has not yet gone to school, and Many things have not been done, and I just lost one eye."

Moreover, she and her brother-in-law, I'm afraid they won't have any more children, they are their only children, and the brother-in-law is so perfect, they shouldn't have any defects.

"You are a great mother." The doctor was moved by what Ji Anning said.