So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 754: Do that kind of thing, remember to close the door (2)

As he said, he raised his eyelids, glanced at Ji Chicheng, and then carefully wiped the blood from his wounds.

The action is full of care.

Ji Anning's mouth twitched.

She suspected the old man with schizophrenia in her eyes.

He was the one who nearly beat her uncle half to death, and he was also the one who came to a kind old man to love him.

What does he want to do?

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Ji Anning was thinking about this question, Ji Chicheng suddenly yelled at Char, he was furious and pushed Char's hand away.

"I came to see you for her. I suddenly thought of you like this. She would definitely feel distressed." Charl stared at Ji Chicheng's **** lips again.

His eyes really showed distress, Ji Anning stared in surprise, thinking that he was dazzled.

She is not stupid. Of course, she knows who Char is talking about ‘she’. It must be Ji Chicheng’s mother. How much he loves his uncle’s mother, so much.

A restricted area in the backyard, a picture of her in his room.

Ji Anning is very curious now, what kind of story is there between Char and Ji Zhengdao, that Wu Cai, and the three of them? What kind of grudges?

Since he loves Wu Cai so much, why is Wu Cai with her grandfather again?

It can be seen that Grandpa also loves Wu Cai very much. He loves his uncle so much that he can lay down his life for him.

The more Char mentions his mother, the more angry Ji Chicheng becomes. His eyes are bloodshot and he stares at Char, "I warn you again, don't disturb my life again, especially for peace."

Charl looked at him and smiled calmly, "What if I must harass? What can you do with me?"

Ji Anning: "..."

This... it seems that there is really no way to take him. He is so awesome, just to harass you, just to respond to you at odds and ends, what can you do with him?

Do you bite him?

Compared to financial power, power, and force, the Ji family does not necessarily have a chance of winning.

But this old man is really stubborn enough to fight with her grandfather one by one, and there is one point that her grandfather is inferior, shameless and rude.

Char stared deeply at Ji Chicheng's face, as if not looking at him, but at another person, with a little sadness.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly calmed down, and Ji Anning didn't dare to speak out. She felt that her current role was to hug Char by an arm as far as possible to reduce the burden on Ji Chicheng.

"You take care of your injuries. If you don't want to go to me, I will send a few more people to take care of you."

Char always kept his peace today, with a touch of sadness in his peace.

Let Ji Anning and even the mother's heart overflow, a little sympathy for him, after all, is an infatuated man.

Ji Chicheng's wound was bleeding. She was afraid that he was angry, and she hurriedly smiled and said to Char: "Mr. Char, no, I can take care of him by myself. You know everything, so don't worry about us. "

Hearing this, Charl looked at her, did not speak, turned his head and shouted at the door: "Come in."

Hearing his shout, one of his bodyguards walked in, carrying a birthday cake in both hands, and the bodyguard walked up to Char and slightly nodded at him.

"Put it on the table." Char said to the bodyguard, then looked at Ji Chicheng and said, "This cake is your mother's favorite taste during her lifetime."

"Take it away."