So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 753: Do that kind of thing, remember to close the door (1)

"Uncle, this place is not is not suitable to do that kind of thing." When Ji Chicheng's lips were about to touch her, she reached out and touched his forehead. Don't let him go down.

Ji Chicheng frowned dissatisfied, "Ning?"

It was just a claim to make Ji Anning's hair stand up. She pouted and begged for mercy, "Uncle, this is in the ward, and the doctor will come over for a round later, no."


At this moment, there was a sudden opening sound from the door, and the door was unscrewed from the outside.

There was no knock on the door, but a ‘click’ directly, showing how overbearing and defiant the person opening the door is.

Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng's gazes swept over, one nervous and the other coldly angry.

After the door lock was unscrewed, the person who opened the door directly pushed the door open to the maximum, and the tall figure caught the eyes of Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng, as if the king came, the domineering side leaked.

"Mr. Char." Ji Anning shouted in surprise, reacted, and quickly reached out to push Ji Chicheng.

What a shame, I was bumped into by an old man... I bumped into them live broadcast.

Ji Anning blushed, retracted her gaze, unable to push Ji Chicheng, she simply burrowed into the quilt.

"Get out!"

Ji Chicheng gave Char two words domineeringly, and then arrogantly retracted his gaze, unhurriedly stepped off Ji Anning, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed from the other side.

When Ji Anning was out shopping just now, he had already got out of bed and moved a little bit. At this moment, he has completely adapted, but there are still many injuries on his body, and his face is a little pale.

Seeing Ji Chicheng got out of bed, Ji Anning was first worried about his body. Seeing how he walked freely, she immediately arranged her clothes in the quilt and got out of bed.

Char's footsteps walked towards Ji Chicheng very leisurely, a pair of faint blue eyes looked at him with a playful smile.

"It looks like you are recovering well."

When he walked to Ji Chicheng, Char looked at him, laughing and teasing.

His gaze slowly moved up from Ji Chicheng's feet, and finally fell on his lips. Seeing blood on his lips, he said again: "But there is still a wound on his body, I want to remind you that he was fighting and hurting his body in blood."

My God, this old man is more than twenty years older than them. Is it really good to play such a nearly colored joke with two young people?

Ji Anning blushed to the root of her ears, lowered her head and followed Ji Chicheng, supporting his arm with one hand.

"Did you hear that I let you out?" Ji Chicheng pointed at the door and yelled at Char.

'Hey. Charl suddenly lowered his head and sighed. He looked up at Ji Chicheng again, his deep blue eyes felt a little sad, "Today is her birthday, why don't you visit her?"

Ji Chicheng became even more angry, "I will let you go."

With one of his hands hanging on the edge of his leg, and clenching his fist tightly, Ji Anning could feel the muscles in his arm hardening and his body trembling.

And the wound that could be seen on his chest was slowly oozing yellow blood.

She looked at him, worried and distressed.

"Your wound has cracked again. What is it doing with such a fire?" Char noticed that the wound on Ji Chicheng's chest was about to open, frowning and lightly criticizing him, then he reached out and took out a handkerchief from his pocket and stretched it over. Help Ji Chicheng wipe the wound, and said as he wiped: "This is exactly the same as Ji Zhengdao. He loses his temper at every turn and is violent. Men should be more elegant."