So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 752: Good, let uncle love you well (5)

I didn't make some messy netizens on the Internet, and I didn't like to moan without illness on the Internet. It was just used to accept the school's mass learning tasks.

Ji Chicheng clasped Ji Anning's arms tightly. His actions and behaviors were very pampering, but his mouth was very venomous. "Your IQ can only use Arabic numerals, and you must arrange them in order."

Ji Anning: "..."

Can you still love each other?

She pouted and pinched Ji Chicheng's waist angrily, but she couldn't bear to use too much force.

"What hint are you giving me?" Ji Chicheng raised an eyebrow at her, then grabbed the quilt with his hand and pulled it hard, lifted the quilt, and put it on again, putting Ji Anning in the quilt.

Ji Anning was itchy and painful. Wanting to escape, Ji Chicheng raised a lift and pressed her tightly. At the same time, his lips were close to her ears, jokingly: "My dear niece, uncle hurts so much. you."

Ji Anning had only one feeling when she heard these words.

So evil!

There wasn't even a slight obstacle in my heart. The wall that hindered their intimacy disappeared without a trace following this life and death experience.

In a trance, Ji Chicheng's hand touched her clothes from under her hem. The temperature of his fingertips was still a little lower than her body temperature.

It gave her a faint and cool touch, and she was a little itchy and numb, shrinking her neck to refuse.

She grabbed the man's arm with one hand, and pushed the other hand against his chest. She giggled and said, "Uncle, you are so shameless. I have to reconsider what I call you."

Although she didn't have much strength with her hands, the resistance was not small.

Ji Chicheng found it troublesome, so he grabbed the wrists of her two hands with one hand, raised it above his head, and rolled over to press on her.

The blood on the corners of his mouth hasn't dried yet, and there are bruises on the corners of his eyes. In general, there is still color on his body, which is obviously not suitable for strenuous exercise.

Ji Anning blushed, looked at him, frowned and said, "Uncle, you still have injuries on your body, don't be fooling around."

Ji Chicheng Xiexie's lips curled, "The place to be used is not injured."

So it does not affect him to do what he wants to do.

Ji Anning blushed, "You... why are you so rascal?"

This is not the uncle she knows. The uncle she knows is obviously ascetic, with a cold temper, as if he does not eat the fireworks.

"Is this a gangster?" Ji Chicheng said, the big hand in Ji Anning's clothes suddenly moved down, passed through her waist, and a little further down, molested a hand, raised his eyebrows, "That's it. What?"

Ji Anning cried out in pain.

Seeing that the man was so evil that he was so expressionless, that he seemed to be cold, she frowned and cursed: "Clothed beast."

This was the first time she scolded him.

Are you a little arrogant?

"Then don't get your clothes." Ji Chicheng said lightly, and then slowly unbuttoned the hospital gown.

The buttons were unbuttoned one by one, and his colored chest gradually appeared, white skin, muscles explained, Ji Anning blushed and heartbeat.

He didn't even need his clothes, he was just a beast.

So is he determined to have **** today?

This is in the hospital, in the ward, the door has not been locked yet, Ji Anning bit her lip, her eyes gleaming, Ji Chicheng's lips gradually pressed down.

Her heart was pounding, both nervous and irritating, very contradictory.