So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 746: We are in the same boat, sleeping with you (4)

Ji Anning only retracted her gaze, turned and entered the ward, closed the door, and went directly to the bathroom. She poured out the water in the basin, replaced it with a new one, and walked to the bed. , Place the basin on the stool by the bed.

Then she bent down and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking deeply at Ji Chicheng.

Looking at his eyebrows, his thick and long eyelashes, his closed eyes, his tall nose, and his broken lips, she couldn't help laughing.

"Don't you want to wipe my legs? Why don't you wipe them?"

Ji Anning thought of many things about their youth, and smiled silly.

The man in a coma on the bed suddenly made a sound, which frightened her. She thought it was an illusion. Looking over, the man's beautiful peach eyes opened, and she looked at her blankly.

She opened her mouth in surprise, "You...when did you wake up?"

The man didn't answer her words, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her by one arm, pulled her down and fell on top of him, with one arm around her body that was stiff from being overwhelmed, and the other hand clasping the back of her head.


Ji Anning screamed, and his mouth was blocked in the next second.

She was stunned and looked at Ji Chicheng's deep black eyes. The man kissed her deeply, his big hand on her back, gently wandering.

Just after waking up from a coma, Ji Chicheng's physical strength and vigor were not as good as before. After kissing for a while, he was a little breathless, letting go of Ji Anning's lips, but his hands were still on the back of her head.

The forehead hit her forehead.

"Uncle." Ji Anning was at a loss in astonishment, blinking his eyes.

Ji Chicheng smiled, "You said, we are not afraid of death anymore, are we still afraid of falling in love?"

Ji Anning opened her mouth in surprise, " heard it all."

"Do you want to wipe my legs?"

Ji Chicheng frowned suddenly, his painting style suddenly changed.

Ji Anning pushed him away, pouting and turning away, "I won't wipe your legs."

She is shy. In the past few days, she rubbed his legs every day, rubbing everything on his body.

Looking at her shy appearance, Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows amusedly, "I have wiped it for so many days, now is it hypocritical, is it too hypocritical?"

"I hate it." Ji Anning clenched his fist and awkwardly gave Ji Chicheng a light punch on the shoulder.

Suddenly, she realized something later, and turned to look at Ji Chicheng in confusion, "How did you know I was going to wipe your legs?"

"The upper body is wiped, shouldn't it be the legs?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows naturally.

In fact, although he has been in a coma these few days, he always feels that he has not been in a coma so thoroughly, but he seems too tired to wake up.

Some things that Ji Anning did to him, some of him were so conscious of it.

Ji Chicheng wiped his legs one by one, and Ji Anning's mind kept flashing the scenes of wiping his legs these days.

She was so embarrassed that she got up to escape, "Get hungry, I'll get you something to eat."

She said it was too late, and in the blink of an eye, she had gone to the sofa to get her wallet.

Ji Chicheng didn't stop her.

Because he is really hungry, there are some things hungry that should not be waiting to be done, but he has no strength to do.

Ji Anning shyly went downstairs all the way, and kept his head down in the elevator, laughing foolishly.

Today's L city, although the temperature is very low, but the sunshine is good, Ji Anning is in a particularly cheerful mood. She knows that there is a Chinese restaurant at the side entrance of the hospital, which specializes in nutritious porridge.