So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 745: Staying in the same boat, sleeping with you (3)

Ji Anning didn’t understand what Ji Chicheng meant, and was about to ask him in doubt, but saw that he moved his lips weakly, and said with a smile: "If... if that day If you haven't rescued you, I will stay with you."

Hearing this, Ji Anning stared in shock and tears, unbelievable and unbelievable.

She wondered if she had heard it wrong.

Ji Chicheng smiled, "You are so afraid of death, asking me to save you because you are afraid... afraid that you will never see me again?"

He wanted to say a lot, but he couldn't do what he wanted, and was intermittent.

"It's you, it's you, why didn't you tell me, why didn't you tell me?" Ji Anning cried and lay on Ji Chicheng's body. All emotions, all feelings, can only be expressed in tears.

It turned out that it was the person she had always thought to save her in the fire. How could she be so stupid?

Ji Chicheng closed his eyes and gently patted Ji Anning's back with his big hand.

It's not that you don't tell, but you're afraid of being rejected and not loved.

In the end, Ji Chicheng still couldn't make it through, so he passed out in pain on the plane.

He had been in a coma for a week. The doctor told him that because his blood sugar was too low, he woke up relatively slowly. He had to infuse a lot of fluids every day. Ji Anning kept him guarding him every step of the way.

The wounds on his face were all scabs, minor ones, almost healed, Ji Anning wiped his face again with warm water, she wiped his body once a day, and even shampooed his hair.

Because he loves to be clean, she is afraid that he will wake up at any time and can't accept his sloppy appearance.

After wiping Ji Chicheng's upper body again, Ji Anning covered him with a cup again, holding the basin and preparing to change a basin of water, turning around the ward door suddenly opened.

Seeing the person coming, she stunned for a moment, and then yelled softly, "Mom."

Wearing a navy blue woolen coat, mother approached the room, first glanced at Ji Chicheng who was lying on the hospital bed, then at the basin in Ji Anning's hand, and saw that she had just replaced Ji Chicheng in her arms. She sighed helplessly, looked at Ji Anning and asked, "You are determined, are you sure you want to be with him?"

Ji Anning heard that her mother's tone was looser than before, and she did not object that much.

She pressed her lips together and smiled, "Mom, we are not afraid of death anymore, why are we afraid of being together?"

I'm not afraid of death anymore, why do I have to worry so much.

When that gunshot, the whole world seemed to stop functioning.

At that time, she regretted, blamed herself, and was annoyed. Half of their time was wasted on those worldly eyes. Before they had time to love each other, their lives were over.

Ji Anning's attitude was very clear, and her mother sighed, "Hey, it's up to you. Just be happy."

She didn't stay longer, turned and left.

Ji Anning followed and followed all the way out. Her mother didn't look back at her again, but she looked at her mother's back, thinking of what her mother said to her after her father died, but her heart was heavy.

She is also a poor woman who has fallen victim to the love of others for a lifetime.

Watching her mother walk for a short period of time, Ji Anning withdrew her gaze, and politely nodded to the person who sent her mother: "Thank you for sending my mother home."

A middle-aged man was arranged by Qi Helian.

He nodded back to Ji Anning, "Don't worry, Miss Anning."

Both the mother and the people who followed were gone, and walked for a while.