So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 743: We are in the same boat, sleeping with you (1)

Looking at Char at this moment, Ji Anning can only think of two words to describe him: abnormal.

It is absolutely abnormal for an old man to say that he is getting more and more interested in a little man.

She put her arms around Ji Chicheng's waist and pushed him back to protect him.

Upon seeing this, Char raised his head and laughed, "Niannian, do you think if I don't want to let you go, you can get away if you fly a plane?"

This is indeed...

Ji Anning looked back and saw that those bodyguards were still holding their guns at Qi Helian. As long as any one of them, anybody, if the gun went off, Qi Helian would be dead.

And the closer Qi Helian got here, the people forced him to force him harder, as if his index finger was always holding the trigger, ready to shoot.

However, Qi Helian's face does not seem to be afraid. How did these people develop their psychological qualities? Why is it so good?

Ji Anning swallowed nervously and spit in her throat. She turned to look at Char, and discussed with him with a trembling voice, "Mr. Char, our business has nothing to do with our friends, can you... Can you let them put down the gun first."

After hearing the words, Chaer glanced at Qi Helian who came by, and then looked at Ji Chicheng with interest, "Little handsome guy, she is very nervous in front of you, another man, can you bear it?"

Ji Anning: "..."

Isn't he very tall? Why do they use the trick of provoking discord?

"Huh!" Ji Chicheng snorted coldly, as if he was too lazy to talk nonsense, "I think you should deal with the police basking in your yard first."

As he said, he turned around with his arms around Ji Anning's waist and swaggered towards the helicopter that Qi Helian had brought.

He looked calm, but Ji Anning could feel his heavy breathing and the pain he endured, because he was hurt really badly.

But he always stood up proudly, as if in front of Char, he was extraordinarily arrogant and wanted to save face, and Char was the same in front of him.

She held him heartily and walked forward step by step.

When they passed by Qi Helian, Qi Helian looked at Ji Chicheng, who was covered with injuries, with a look of surprise, "You are so badly injured."

Wipe, is he blind? Have you seen it until now?

With blood-red eyes, Ji Chicheng gave Qi Helian a fierce look, warning him to shut up with his eyes.

He did not stop, and went straight to the helicopter.

Qi Helian shrugged and smiled at the bodyguards who were pointing their guns at him. Char's bodyguards were all women. It was assumed that they were female men with excellent psychological qualities who had undergone various trainings, and they were also attracted by him. With a smile, the fans were fascinated, and each of them showed a rare shyness.

When they reacted, Qi Helian had already turned and left, throwing them a handsome back.

Seeing the three of them leave, they don't know what to do. They turned to look at Char. Char's face became cold, but he ignored him and raised his foot to the front yard.

He did not give an order, and the bodyguards could only watch Ji Chicheng and the others board the plane, and watch the helicopter rise and leave in the backyard of Char's house.

This is a small helicopter with only two seats. Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning are all squeezed into the passenger seat.

Fearing to squeeze into Ji Chicheng, Ji Anning's back was tightly pressed against the door.

When Ji Chicheng got on the plane, his face suddenly changed a lot, and there was no blood.