So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 742: To want you to want you is to want you (twenty)

"No." Ji Anning screamed in surprise, and instinctively rushed to stand for Ji Chicheng.

'boom! ’

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the air, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Ji Anning stared at her with a pale face, staring at the gun held in Char's hand.

I dare not turn my head, dare not breathe.

If, if in the next second, she can't hear his voice, she will never breathe again.


Suddenly, a chair flew up in the distance and landed right at Char's feet.

His voice is his voice.

Ji Anning was ecstatic, as if walking through a ghost gate. She turned her head to look at the man who rushed. At this moment, she didn’t know where the power came from, pushed Charr away, lifted the skirt that blocked her pace, and threw towards Her longing embrace.

"Uncle, uncle..."

Ji Anning's face was buried in the man's chest, ignoring the strong smell of blood, smelling the smell of her miss.

A pair of slender arms tightly hugged the man's strong but weak body, her brother-in-law, the man she loved and couldn't help himself.

"go home with me."

The man lowered his head, his lips stained red with blood, kissed Ji Anning's forehead lightly, but his voice was gentle and incompatible with this love.

Ji Anning nodded vigorously, choked up and couldn't speak.

"Do you think you can take people away from me?"

Char's voice suddenly sounded, cold, aloof and disdainful.

Ji Chicheng raised his head and sneered over, "I can come, I can go."

As he said, he pulled Ji Anning behind him. Apart from sweating a lot in the palm of his hand, Ji Anning did not dare to let go of Ji Chicheng's hand.

Char held a gun at them, she was afraid that he would shoot Ji Chicheng, always preparing to block his guns.

The butler suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Char, there are many police officers outside."

Hearing this, Char's face changed, and he looked at Ji Chicheng instinctively.

At this moment, the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from the sky. Ji Anning raised his head and saw a familiar face, Qi Helian!

Qi Helian sat in the cockpit of the helicopter, bowed his head and waved at them.

Ji Anning opened her mouth wide in surprise, then turned to look at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng's blood-stained eyes looked at Char, and the corner of his mouth was smugly proud, just like a winner.

Ji Anning was surprised, Ji Chicheng suddenly pulled her into his arms again, Jin put his arms around her, straightened his waist, and faced Char.

The helicopter had landed on the open lawn, and Char's bodyguards held up their guns on alert, aiming at Qi Helian who had come off the plane.

Waiting for Char to issue an order.

The atmosphere was tense for a while, and Char suddenly put away his death-like face, curled his lips and smiled, "Little handsome guy, you have caused me a lot of trouble."

As he said, he put away the gun, put his hands into the straight trousers, and raised his foot towards Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng.

Ji Anning was afraid of him, and stepped back instinctively. Ji Chicheng took her, lowered his head and kissed her head gently, "The police are at his house, he dare not."

"What to do?" Char walked in front of them and stopped. Even though he was a little shorter than Ji Chicheng, his gaze was still condescending. Looking at Ji Chicheng, his voice paused, and he raised his eyebrows with interest. , "You are so rebellious, making me more and more interested in you."