So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 708: A family of three (one)

Ji Anning didn't want to pay attention to him, and simply closed his eyes.

Char didn't speak any more, and was silent all the way home. As soon as the car door opened, Ji Anning heard the second floor, and Ji Mingyue lost his temper in her room.

There was also the sound of broken dishes. She quickly got out of the car, picked up the skirt and hugged her, walked in the door quickly, threw off the high heels from her feet, and went straight to the second floor with her bare feet.

Several servants stood at the door of Ji Mingyue's room, all with scared expressions on their faces, not daring to enter.

"Let me." Ji Anning squeezed in the door and saw Ji Mingyue sitting in a wheelchair with a disheveled hair, and the food and soup on the ground were spilled everywhere.

Two older servants squatted on the ground to pick up the broken cups and plates.

"Get out, get out of me."

Ji Mingyue hugged her head and roared, feeling very irritable, but the look on her face looked very anxious.

Ji Anning was stunned for a second, and rushed in, "Sister."

"Miss Nian Nian, be careful."

The ground was full of glass and porcelain shards. Several servants reminded her fearfully, but it was still a step too late. As soon as Ji Anning walked in, she stepped on broken glass on both feet, and she jumped in pain. .

Ji Mingyue was still roaring over there, Ji Anning couldn't care too much, just be more careful, ran over and hugged Ji Mingyue, "Sister, don't be like this, don't be like this."

"Ji Anning, you also get out, all get out."

Ji Mingyue was in Ji Anning’s arms, struggling like crazy, her hand grabbed Ji Anning’s hair and tugged hard. In order to reduce the pain, Ji Anning’s mind could only follow the direction of Ji Mingyue’s pulling. .

Ji Mingyue used to be strong, proud, and headstrong, but now she needs to rely on a wheelchair to walk, and she will definitely not be able to accept it for a while.

If it were her, her legs had been good for more than 20 years, and she would suddenly become disabled and unable to stand. She would definitely be worse than her.

"Ji Anning, I hate you, I hate you and Ji Chicheng to death, and I will never forgive you in this life."

After tossing for a while, Ji Mingyue didn't have the strength anymore. She loosened Ji Anning's hair and slammed Ji Anning's chest with her head. Tears soon wet the clothes on Ji Anning's chest.

Ji Anning did not dodge, with tears in her eyes, allowing Ji Mingyue to vent.

"You pay back my dad, give my dad back to me..."

Ji Anning raised her head and bit her lip. After all, tears could not be suppressed, and she slipped from the corner of her eyes.

At this moment, she couldn't find words to defend herself. In short, they were the source and the fuse of everything.

"What are you doing here? Don't hurry up and clean up."

Charl arrived at the door, saw the situation in the room, and shouted angrily at the servant who was standing at the door and dared not to come in.

The servants rushed into the room immediately, tidied up and wiped the floor.

"You go out." Char walked into the room with heavy strides, walked to Ji Anning's side, stared at her coldly, and ordered.

His body exudes a dangerous atmosphere, Ji Anning stared in horror, "What are you going to do?"

She instinctively hugged Ji Mingyue with her hands, fearing that Char would do anything to harm Ji Mingyue, after all, she had made her home.

Chaer Meifeng asked coldly, "Go out!"

This sound was even more shocking and made people feel that he was about to do it in the next second, which made Ji Anning even more afraid to let go of Ji Mingyue.