So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 700: We are nephews and uncles (20)

Mind always takes advantage of her carelessness to make a difference.

A knock on the door pulled her thoughts back again, and she answered the door, "Come in."

The door opened, and the young maid stood at the door, respectfully saying to her: "Miss Nian Nian, Mr. Char calls you to come downstairs."

Ji Anning didn't think much, nodded first, "Okay."

I don't know what Char told her to do, just go downstairs to find out, she put down the coffee, and hurried downstairs.

"All this move out."

In a room near the stairs, the assistant housekeeper of the Char's family was greeting a group of people. They moved in with big bags and small bags. Ji Anning walked over, just curious, and glanced inside.

The deputy housekeeper nodded slightly to her, "Miss Nian Nian."

"Is anyone going to live in?" Ji Anning asked casually.

The deputy housekeeper smiled and replied: "Yes, Mrs. New Char is back. Mr. Char asked us to clean up this room and let the new lady live in. These are the items of the new lady."

The new lady... Ji Mingyue!

She frowned, and guessed something. She hurried downstairs. While she crawled down the steps, she looked towards the living room. Charl, in a dark gray suit, smiled gently at the woman sitting next to him, in his hand. He was peeling an apple.

Ji Anning's footsteps stopped, his fingers tightened while holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

"Peace is down."

Suddenly, Char looked at her, smiled slightly and said to Ji Mingyue beside him.

Fearing that Ji Mingyue would lose control of her emotions when she saw her, Ji Anning instinctively wanted to avoid her, but she thought again that it was impossible to avoid her forever.

So she looked over and looked at Shang Ji Mingyue's gaze.

As Ji Anning expected, when Ji Mingyue saw her, her face immediately sank. She said to Char beside him: "Let her go."

Char stretched out his hand and gently touched her head, "Nian-nian is here to attend our wedding. It's your mother's family. How can you let her go."

"Either kill her or let her go." Ji Mingyue pushed Char's hand away.

She only hated this man in her heart, except for hate.

But her emotions today were not as uncontrollable as Ji Anning imagined. She went downstairs and tried to get close to her, "Sister."

Ji Mingyue coldly ignored her, "Don't call me, I have nothing to do with you."

At this moment, the deputy housekeeper came down from upstairs and reported to Char, "Mr. Char, Madam's room has been cleaned up."

Without waiting for Charles to reply, Ji Mingyue said first: "I want to go back to the room."

As she said, she stretched out her hand, pulled her wheelchair to the front, pressed the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands, and moved into the wheelchair with difficulty.

Upon seeing this, Ji Anning hurried over to help her, but before he touched her arm, she waved away and pushed her away, "Ji Anning, I don't want to see you, and disappeared from my eyes."

As she continued to move into the wheelchair, Char did not mean to help.

Seeing the sweat bead on Ji Mingyue's forehead and a thin face, because it was too hard and red because of the struggle, but still stubbornly working hard, Ji Anning's eyes were slightly hot.

He Ji Mingyue didn't have any feelings, since childhood, it was only a few months ago that she had a slight affection for her.

But seeing this scene, she still couldn't help but feel distressed, couldn't bear to watch, she turned her back.

Ji Mingyue finally got into the wheelchair and drove the wheelchair towards the elevator.

Ji Anning raised his foot several times, but in the end he still did not follow.