So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 699: We are nephew and uncle (19)

Taking a look at Char, Ji Anning did not speak, lowered his head, and continued to go upstairs, and walked past Char.

Suddenly, Char's voice sounded behind her again, "If you were to marry me for Ji Mingyue, what do you think?"

Marrying Char for Ji Mingyue...

Ji Anning's footsteps paused, her hands on her legs were trembling and her fingers bent. Her inner instinct was to resist, but she did not say her refusal.

She turned around and raised her eyebrows at Char coldly, "Why? What do you want in me?"

"The purpose is obvious." Char's voice paused as if deliberately selling off his voice, "I want that arrogant boy to beg me, and his son of Ji Zhengdao's heavenly pet come and beg me."

His lips twitched slightly, but every word was full of hatred.

Ji Anning sneered, "You are fighting with the dead, and you are really sad for you."

Grandpa and him had such a deep hatred that he dealt with the Ji family so irrationally that he would not let it go even if Grandpa died.

Char laughed, "I believe that he is so stubborn, he will look at me in **** when he dies, as long as it is related to A Cai, he doesn't even want to own it."

At this time Char, like a **** demon, even his breath is dark.

A Cai? Who is A Cai?

She noticed that when Char mentioned the name, a strange light flashed in his deep blue eyes.

Tell Ji Anning directly that this A Cai is the key to the grievance between Char and Ji Zhengdao, or it is not an exaggeration.

So in Ji's family, what is related to A Cai? Company?

As Ji Anning thought about it, Char smiled at her again, "My wedding with Ji Mingyue is still a week away. You still have a week to consider whether the bride is in a wheelchair or you. It is entirely up to you. Decided."

"But I think, no matter who it is, the bride will be very beautiful."

Ji Anning felt so familiar with his arrogance and self-confidence, and the devilish breath from hell.

In this world, she has seen two such men, one is his Char, the other is... Ji Chicheng.

She herself lived in Char's house for Ji Mingyue. Originally, she was trying to persuade Ji Mingyue, but now Ji Mingyue doesn't even want to see her at all and loses control of her emotions when she sees it.

Although she insisted on contacting Char at the beginning, without her, they would not be able to meet each other, so Ji Mingyue has fallen to the present level, and she has an unshirkable responsibility, just like the death of the old man.

She is not the murderer, but she is the catalyst.

The afternoon sun was bright and a little dazzling. Ji Anning sat on the balcony, her eyes narrowed, her thoughts closed, and she was about to get up and go back to the room. His eyes inadvertently swept across the distant gate, and Char's extended Lincoln slowly drove into the courtyard. , Bypassing the fountain, drove to the gate and stopped.

Several attendants hurried up to greet the door.

Ji Anning glanced faintly, then retracted her gaze. She pressed the armrest of the chair with her hands, got up and entered the room, and put the brewed coffee on the table without a sip.

She picked it up, took a sip, and the bitterness spread in her mouth immediately.

She couldn't bear this kind of bitter coffee before, but now she is used to drinking it. She has long been used to all the people and things that she thought she could not get used to.