So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 697: We are nephews and uncles (17) monthly pass plus more


They didn’t know why Ji Chicheng looked at her, and was shocked by his expression. She yelled to him glutinously, and then she held his face with a pair of small hands and kissed gently at the corner of his mouth with her small hands. For a moment.

Her palms are fleshy, hot and soft.

Ji Chicheng's eyes suddenly became hot, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed the little girl with one hand, wrapped it in his palm, looked at her, and pressed the corners of his mouth tightly.

He almost thought about all the possibilities, and even believed that she was really just for the sake of being named Li, and believed that she disliked his origin.

But he never expected, he didn't think of them...their relationship, how could he think about this.

‘She goes to church every Sunday, prays with the nuns, volunteers, and does good deeds. She gives me the feeling that she’s burdened with something too heavy...’

Dr. Scott's words echoed in his ears. He could not imagine that picture. He only knew that the peace at that time must have been painful and struggling in his heart.

When she knew the news, how did she endure it, and how long did it take to accept it.

"Uncle, I will go back when the snow stops? ’

When she accepted this fact, she gave herself how long to choose.

‘Break up, I want to end that ethical bed relationship with you...’

How did she struggle when she learned that she was pregnant.

‘I can’t take me and your child to marry Jing Feng, he and I are normal people, and it’s not that I can’t have children in the future. ’

She was just such a person, with pain and struggle, and left with their children.

But he broke into her world so aggressively, led her into his siege, and forced her to continue to entangle him.

‘Uncle, I’m sorry. ’

After the reunion, for the first close contact, she pushed him away and hugged him again. She wanted to refuse again and again. He began to understand the contradiction a little bit.

She didn't know what kind of psychological process she went through every time she made a choice, all he knew was that it must be more tormented than he thought, especially...especially every time she faced her eyes.

She cared too much, so she was caught up and restricted by all kinds of problems, and all her caring came from him, because he had no scruples.

If he is not so selfish, not so domineering and arrogant, maybe she will not choose a person to bear this cruel fact that makes them thunderbolt.


‘Actually, you all know that I did not kill Grandpa. You know that Grandpa didn’t give me shares at all. You just don’t want to be with me, do you? ’

How long did she struggle to finally break through the ethical barriers.

His ‘yes’ made her heartbreak and despair.

People who love each other often feel that they are doing good for each other, but they have forgotten that each other is the most important in their own minds, and why not in the other's hearts.

Looking at the familiar figure, in the bright sunshine, beside the fountain sprinkled with water, the hem of the beige windbreaker was lifted by the wind, thin and memory like two painting styles, his one is always lying On the window sill, there was pure peace like an elf, smiled, after ten miles of spring breeze, Ji Chicheng couldn't control it anymore and dashed forward.