So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 696: We are nephew and uncle (16)

Ji Anning spoke to him first and introduced to the doctor: "My uncle, Ji Chicheng."

The doctor looked surprised, "Your uncle is so young and handsome."

Speaking of this, he looked at the small faces of Zhuan again, stretched out his hand and poked his cheeks lightly with his fingers, "He looks very much like his uncle."

Uncle...this title made Ji Anning's eyes tremble slightly, and her eyelashes tremble.

Her face was also a little pale, she raised her head and looked at Ji Chicheng, facing his deep black eyes, her eyes dodged again.

Looking at her reaction, Ji Chicheng frowned in doubt. Before he could think about it, Ji Anning turned around and said ‘goodbye’ to the doctor and hurriedly left.

Seeing Ji Anning left, they were anxious, "Daddy, want Mommy."

Hearing yelling Ji Chicheng daddy again, the middle-aged female doctor looked dumbfounded, and for a while, she laughed embarrassedly, "Ha... it turns out that I misunderstood, I'm really sorry."

Then she suddenly remembered something, and said to Ji Chicheng: "You called me the other day, and I have packed up the cases for you. You can take them away at any time, but I still have to remind you. The many corneal transplants must be done as soon as possible. The bigger the woman, the lower the success rate."

‘She is more afraid than ordinary people that the child will be unhealthy after birth...

Speaking of his eyes, Ji Chicheng suddenly remembered what Dr. Scott said.

He looked at the right eyes suddenly, one after another was congenital cornea damage and congenital blindness.

why? Why did her worry really happen? Why is she so worried?

He couldn't think of the answer, but he always felt that the answer was related to him, as if it was only a step away, but he didn't expect it, and hugged him out of the hospital.

He took out his cell phone, dialed Lawyer Liu's number, and put the cell phone to his ear.

After two beeps, they answered immediately, "Little Master, I am about to call you."

Ji Chicheng interrupted what he wanted to say and waited for Lawyer Liu to continue.

Lawyer Liu said: "The chairman's safe has finally been opened, and there are only two DNA testimonials in it."

His tone sounded a little heavy, and he didn't know how to speak, Ji Chicheng frowned and said, "Whose?"

"Yes..." Lawyer Liu said hesitantly: "Yes... it belongs to Miss An Ning and the second wife, as well as Miss An Ning and Master Wei Sen."

"And the result on the appraisal is... It is ninety-nine percent similar. Miss An Ning is the biological daughter of the second wife and the second young master."

Attorney Liu's voice came from the receiver again, and he told Ji Chicheng the result in the appraisal.

And when he said that the DNA appraisal was Ji Anning and Yang Yufang, Ji Chicheng knew the result in his heart.

He gave a sudden shock, he was stunned, his feet stopped, the phone slipped from the palm of his hand, with a ‘pop’, the screen cracked.

In his mind, it was like a replay of a nostalgic movie.

Since childhood, Yang Yufang has taken more care of Ji Anning than Ji Jingfeng.

In the park that day, Yang Yufang cried and entangled Ji Anning.

Ji Anning was so painful, struggling and struggling again and again when she was intimate.

Her worries, her fears... she refused to tell her the difficulties.

‘She is more afraid than ordinary people that the child will be unhealthy after birth! ’

Ji Chicheng was stunned for a long time, his eyes slowly looked at the eyes of the people in his arms, her nose and her eyes.