So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 683: We are nephew and uncle (3)

The nurse smiled slightly and replied: "Mr. Ji took her downstairs early in the morning, saying that the sun is good, take her downstairs."

Mr. Ji? Ji Anning narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "Which Mr. Ji are you talking about?"

The nurse said: "Mr. Ji Jingfeng, there are also grandma."

Ji Anning was shocked when he heard this.

She hurried back to the room and picked up her mobile phone to call Yang Yufang. After dialing, she only rang, and then she answered, as if she was waiting for a call.


Yang Yufang's voice came from the receiver, and Ji Anning clenched his fist, "Where did you take them? Send them back to me immediately."

There was an immediate response, but it was not Yang Yufang’s voice. It was replaced by Ji Jingfeng, “Ji Anning, I limit you to come to the company within one hour and transfer the shares to me. I have prepared the transfer letter and wait for your signature. Yes, remember to bring Lawyer Liu."

Ji Anning gritted his teeth, "Ji Jingfeng, if you dare to move, my uncle will not let you go."

Hearing this, Ji Jingfeng warned fiercely: "If this matter is let Ji Chicheng know, it is screwed up, and the fish is dead and the net is broken, I will also drag your daughter together before I die, and before I die, I will definitely let you and The relationship between Ji Chicheng's relatives, uncles, and nephews broke out, and the people of the world spit on you.

After Ji Jingfeng finished speaking, crying came from the phone.

"Ah... Mommy, it hurts."

As if someone was beating her, Ji Anning listened, her heart was broken. She couldn't see it and couldn't touch it. She was anxious and yelled at the phone, "Ji Jingfeng, you beast."

She hung up the phone and immediately rushed to J.C. During the New Year holidays, there was no one in the company. She went straight to the top floor, Ji Jingfeng's office.

She called Lawyer Liu on the way, the chief lawyer of J.C. All the share certificates in her hand were with him, and she asked him to take them with him.

The old man's office was spacious and bright, and all the office furniture used by the old man had been replaced in just a few days by Ji Jingfeng.

Sitting on a luxurious and comfortable office chair, Ji Jingfeng was startled when he saw Ji Anning rushing in. Then he stood up with a smile and greeted him, "It's been a lot of hard work along the way."

"What about one after another?" Ji Anning looked at Ji Jingfeng coldly.

"Don't worry, she is being taken care of very well now." Ji Jingfeng smiled back to Ji Anning, looked at the door again, and asked, "Where is Lawyer Liu?"

Just as he was asking, Lawyer Liu came, carrying a briefcase in a hurry.

He entered the door and saw Ji Jingfeng, he immediately became vigilant, and walked to Ji Anning's side and asked, "Miss Anning, what's the matter if you call me in such a hurry?"

Before Ji Anning could speak, Ji Jingfeng said first: "Lawyer Liu, Anning is going to transfer the shares to me now. Have you brought everything you want to bring?"

Attorney Liu heard this with a suspicious face, "Master Jing Feng, this..."

He looked at Ji Anning, who looked at Ji Jingfeng with gloomy eyes.

Perceiving something wrong, Lawyer Liu said, "Ms. An Ning, we still have to discuss with the young master about the transfer of shares."

Hearing this, Ji Jingfeng raised his eyebrows coldly at him, "Lawyer Liu, I think you haven't figured out the situation. Is this share of Anning or my brother's?"

As he said, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "An Ning, it's almost half past nine, and we will go to the movie later."