So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 682: We are nephew and uncle (2)

The doctor said: "Before the operation, we had already told Mr. Ji that because of the corneal condition, the possibility of rejection is high, and we must be prepared for failure. "

Preparation for failure!

Ji Anning shook his head, unable to accept this fact, "How can I reject it? It's impossible to fail."

They stopped crying, but still sobbed on her shoulders. She was distressed and couldn't breathe. She couldn't accept the result of failure, but she couldn't change it.

She opened her mouth, and she just trapped her tears in her eyes, just not to affect them.

The middle-aged male doctor looked at her deeply. This situation is common for their doctors. He did not say comforting words. He only reached out and patted Ji Anning’s shoulder and encouraged: "There is still a chance, there is a cornea. It can be transplanted again."

Re-transplant from the cornea... When is that?

When the doctor left with a group of medical staff, Dr. Zhang looked at the tears still rolling in Ji Anning’s eyes, and stepped forward to comfort her and said, "Miss Anning, don’t be too sad, because of this situation, the young master is not Tell you."

Speaking, he glanced at Ji Anning's reaction, pursed his lips, and continued: "He is afraid of giving you hope and letting you down."

Hearing this, Ji Anning finally couldn't help it, closed his eyes and let the tears that overflowed his eyes flow down.

Watching this scene, Yang Yufang, who had been standing at the door watching, walked into the door, walked to Ji Anning, patted her back gently, and comforted her distressedly: "Anning, didn’t the doctor just say that, if there is a cornea It can be transplanted again."

Ji Anning turned his head and glared at her, a flash of hatred in his eyes.

Yang Yufang was startled. She opened her mouth. Before she could say what she wanted to say, Ji Anning was already hugging her, walking past her and out of the monitoring room.

Although the cornea transplant operation failed, I still have to stay in the hospital to observe the situation.

Ji Anning stayed in the hospital to take care of them. One day and one night passed, and their eyes were still red. She probably didn't adapt. She always scratched with her small hands.

Especially at night, when she scratched harder, Ji Anning stayed by the bed, watching her, not letting her scratch, she felt uncomfortable, so she wiped her with sterilized gauze.

After tossing until midnight, the little girl finally fell asleep.

She was too sleepy, and fell asleep directly on the edge of the bed. She stayed up all day and night, so she slept very deeply, and when she woke up, it was dawn.

And he has been sleeping on his stomach, straightened up and numb all over.

She opened her eyes and looked at the bedside while rubbing her numb arm. She was surprised.

What about one after another?

Not seeing them lying on the bed, Ji Anning's heart was empty, searching the room in a panic, but she didn't see the little girl.

"One after another."

She forgot to get numb all over, and was about to get up. When she stood up, her legs couldn't get any strength, and she almost fell. She supported the edge of the bed with her hands, and it took a long time to walk.

Ji Anning found the room because it was during the Chinese New Year, and it was not mandatory to be hospitalized. Most of the patients went home and the corridor was particularly quiet.

"One after another."

Ji Anning shouted while searching.

"Miss Anning."

She did not shout, but called the nurses who were looking after them. Ji Anning looked at the nurses who came by and asked nervously, "Nurse Li, have you seen them?"