So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 603: Homecoming Show Show Show (3)

After the text message was sent, she put down the phone, turned off the light, and lay down.

In the past few days, she had to recite her lines while she was sleeping, and when she woke up so early in the morning, she was already sleepy. After lying down, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The assistant came to pick her up at three o'clock.

Calling to wake her up, she went downstairs to open the door, put the assistant in the door, and went upstairs to wash.

Having only slept for more than five hours and still very sleepy, Ji Anning went upstairs while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

At the door of the room, she reached out and grabbed the doorknob and unlocked the door.

The action of pushing the door stopped abruptly. She turned her head and looked at Ji Chicheng's door. She released her hand holding the doorknob and turned slowly.

Then stretched out his hand, grabbed the handle of the door of Ji Chicheng's room, tried to twist it, the door was not locked.

Unscrew it, she pushed it away cautiously, the room was dark, she held her breath and pushed the door wider and wider.

Step in gently, like a thief.

Walk in step by step and approach the bedroom.

Finally, she heard the uniform breathing of the man, and her heart suddenly seemed to be eager to jump out of her body, ‘puff and puff’.

But her footsteps still did not stop moving forward a little bit, a little closer.

Fearing that the shoes would wake the sleeping man, she took off her slippers and walked to the bed barefoot.

The curtains are tightly drawn, there is almost no optical fiber in the room, she can only see the silhouette of the man, and she bends slightly.

Get close to him, listen to his breathing, and feel his breath.

Her heart suddenly seemed to stop beating again.

Suddenly, she didn't know where the courage came from, lowered her head, soft lips, like a dragonfly, rubbed the corner of the man's mouth.

In my heart, it was like the little deer bumping into each other in the beginning.

Being a thief, you have to evacuate quickly.

Ji Anning straightened up, turned around, and was about to leave. The man who was still sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to quickly clasp her wrist.

Before Ji Anning could react, her petite and light body had been pulled onto the bed, lying on the man's body.


Ji Anning stared in shock, her bright eyes gleamed with crystal light in the dark night, like stars in the sky.

She looked at the man's equally clear eyes, and her heart stopped beating.

The whole body is in tense stiffness.

Ji Chicheng stared at Ji Anning's small face, looked at the outline of her facial features, her aura suddenly and faintly.

His own breath became thicker and thicker.

His hands slowly moved up from Ji Anning's back, hooked her neck, pushed her head down, and pressed his lips accurately.

Then he turned over, weighing heavily on Ji Anning's body.

His kiss is still the same as it was two years ago, with his unique tenderness in the domineering.

However, Ji Anning's body was still in a tight state, with both hands clenching his fists, her arms stiffly contracted.

"look at me."

The man finally spoke, his low voice, in Ji Anning's ear, commanded her and guided her.

Ji Anning opened her eyes slowly, her eyelashes and eyelids were trembling, and her lips were trembling, "Little...Uncle."

Her heart is extremely complicated and painful.

Ji Chicheng did not respond to Ji Anning. He bowed his head and kissed her lips again. With both hands, he touched Ji Anning's fisted hands, and arrogantly pushed her fists away and clasped her fingers tightly.