So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 602: Homecoming Show Show Show (2)

After a while, she got out of bed, found her bag on the computer desk, and pulled out the phone from the inside.

Seeing a text message on the screen, all the flesh on her body gave a severe pain.

One hundred and eighty thousand!

That meal at noon ate 1.08 million.

Ouch, my head hurts even more.

Ji Anning stretched out his hand to hold his forehead, rubbed his forehead with his thumb, and looked at the consumption amount displayed on the text message, his heart was dripping blood.

Fortunately, she is going out to start work to earn money, otherwise she would have been gnawing at this point in less than a few days.

I have drunk too much, and now my mouth is dry.

She went downstairs to pour water with the cup in her hand, opened the door, and heard the sound of the TV in the living room without taking a few steps.

what time is it now? Uncle is still up?

Just now she was using her mobile phone to check the time, but she was distracted by the consumer text messages and forgot to check the time.

Ji Anning quickened his pace and walked to the top of the stairs. The huge living room was under her eyes, and cartoons were playing on TV.

One big and one small on the sofa, staring intently at the TV screen.

They hadn't slept yet. It seemed that it was not too late. Ji Anning thought while going downstairs. When she went downstairs, she went directly into the kitchen and poured a glass of ice water out.

Walk to the sofa while drinking.

"One after another, looking at Mickey again."

They were all on the sofa. The father and daughter hadn't noticed her yet, Ji Anning was a little frustrated, and she took the initiative to greet her.

Then they turned their heads to look at her, "Miao Miao..."

She pointed her little finger at the TV screen.

Ji Anning nodded, "Well, Miao Miao Wu."

She said to them, but her eyes were always looking at Wang Ji Chi Cheng, his deep eyes were still on the TV screen.

Ji Anning complained in dissatisfaction, what's so good about this cartoon that deceives children.

"One after another, one episode is over."

When an episode of the cartoon is over, Ji Chicheng will move away from the TV screen and watch.

"Good dad." Suddenly they got up and stood on the sofa, with arms around Ji Chicheng's neck, and kissed him on his forehead, cheeks, nose, ears, lips, etc.

Ji Chicheng's face was full of her saliva.

Then Ji Chicheng also kissed all parts of his face one by one.

Oh, these two father and daughter, are they just showing their affection in front of her?

Ji Anning originally wanted to sit on the sofa for a while, but when she saw this, she shook both of their father and daughter's eyes, and then turned upstairs.

Make room for their father and daughter to show off and abuse the dog if they don't agree.



After enrolling in language classes, Ji Anning has a fulfilling and beautiful life. He has grown up some children, and occasionally meets to fly a kite on the square near his home on weekends.

Good times always make people reluctant to give up, but they are as fast as an arrow.

However, during this time, Ji Chicheng was very busy. He hadn't been at home for dinner for a week. When he got up a little later in the morning, he couldn't see him.

Therefore, Ji Anning sets the alarm clock every day, wakes up at five o'clock, and has spare time to make breakfast for him.

Leaning on the bedside, looking at the window without curtains, hoping for the light, and looking around, it didn't appear.

Hey, forget it.

Ji Anning sighed lightly, retracted his gaze, opened the screen of the mobile phone in his hand, entered a string of familiar numbers, and edited the text message.

"Uncle, I can't get up on the plane at 5:30 tomorrow to make breakfast for you. You come back to rest early in the evening."