So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 600: This B, she pretended it! (Fives)

That curious little look is very cute.

Ji Chicheng looked at her, his distressed eyes were a little bit more petting, he said: "Mom fell asleep."

"Mommy Piggy." They shrank their necks and giggled.

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Well, Mommy is a lazy pig."

His gaze returned to Ji Anning again, with a touch of gentleness and a touch of helplessness.

Ji Anning was half drunk and half awake, Ji Chicheng held her with one hand and held her with the other, still relaxed.

The parking clerk had already helped him drive the car to the hall of the restaurant and waited for him. He first opened the back door of the car, helped Ji Anning into the car, and then put them on the safety seats.

"Mr. Ji."

Ji Chicheng was about to close the car door, and a familiar voice called him behind him.

He straightened up, and the tall woman walked in front of him with a slight smile, with a little drunkenness, her dark blue eyes were bright and bright.

She looked at Ji Chicheng's handsome face and made no secret of her appreciation for him.

Ji Chicheng said, "Ms. Korea, the waiter said that you drink more than one bottle of two bottles of wine. Even if you have one bottle, 200,000, it will be transferred to this account in a while."

While talking, he took out his cell phone, found Korea's cell phone number, and sent her a bank account.

Slender fingers, skilled operation.

Korea's beautiful face faded for a moment, but she still tried to say to Ji Chicheng in a joking tone: "Mr. Ji, you are too stingy."

After all, she is a noble eldest lady, with excellent conditions in all aspects, so that a man who is still admired by a man will slap her face mercilessly.

She can't help her face.

But the other party was the unruly Ji Chicheng. Before she officially cooperated with him, she got to know him a bit, and after the cooperation, she knew him very well.

This man, hard or soft, seems to have no weakness.

"After all, it is two hundred thousand, not twenty yuan." Ji Chicheng put away his mobile phone, put his hands in his trouser pockets, his expression was serious, and he couldn't see the slightest joking meaning.

Two hundred thousand, isn't it like twenty yuan to him?

Korea's face was red and green. Just as she was embarrassed, a fat woman walked towards them with a smile.

Looking at Korea while walking, he asked, "Korea, is this your friend?"

The woman was probably less than fifty years old and she was also a face of mixed East and West. She was dressed very richly. She walked to Korea and stopped, looking at Ji Chi Cheng.

Seeing Ji Chicheng's face, the woman's face was suddenly shocked.

"Mommy." The mother's arrival relieved Korea of ​​the embarrassment just now. She pointed to Ji Chicheng and introduced to her mother: "Mom, let me introduce you. This is what I told you about, a very good Ji Sir, the president of Belleville."

Then she pointed at her mother and introduced to Ji Chicheng: "Mr. Ji, this is my mother, Ru Difen."

Ji Chicheng glanced lightly across Rudifen's face. Just about to leave, Rudifen suddenly pointed his finger at his face, very excited, "He...what's your name?"

Realizing the strangeness of her mother, Korea hurriedly asked, "Mommy, his full name is Ji Chi Cheng, do you know Mr. Ji?"

"Ji Chi City." Rudifen murmured Ji Chi City's name again. He looked at Ji Chi City with a little more inquiring, "Are you the nationality of M country?"