So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 599: This B, she pretended it! (four)

This B, she is set!

She looked at Korea and said calmly, “It’s okay, Miss Korea can drink whatever you want, and you don’t need to save money for me. Although I’m paid 1.8 million for one episode of acting, it’s enough to drink a few bottles of wine at this price. ."

Blowing so that my face is not red and my heart beats.

"Using an idiom in your country, it is hard to be kind, then I'll have a few drinks with Miss Niannian." Korea picked up the wine glass, looked up, and took another drink.

Ji Anning is not to be outdone.

I started to drink a sip of wine and calculated how much the wine is worth. It hurts a bit and gradually becomes numb.

There is nothing to say, just do it!

Just like this, you have a glass and I have a glass. There is no need for food to serve the wine. Ji Chicheng answered the phone and there are already two empty wine bottles on the table.

He was taken aback for a moment.

When the tall figure entered the door, Ji Anning immediately noticed, and she glanced over.

Suddenly, she lay down on the table, looking charmingly drunk, "Uncle, what should I do? I will help you drink too much with Miss Korea."

Jiao Didi's tone is as ‘cheap’ as she is.

Seeing that Ji Chicheng is coming, Korea on the side also put down his steps and stood up slowly while supporting the dining table with both hands.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Nian Nian can really drink, she is indeed a person who entertains all the time, even I sigh."

She turned around and walked in front of Ji Chicheng, staggering, as if she was drunk.

Ah...It's so cheap, I actually want to take the initiative to throw in my arms and deliberately slander her.

Sure enough, is her Taoism still too shallow?

Ji Anning looked at Korea with resentment in her heart, looked at Ji Chicheng, pouting, drunk eyes, foggy.

As if to cry.

Acting, everything is acting.

She didn't speak, she was like this, if he really didn't care about her, even if she posted it, she wouldn't be happy for herself.

Uncle, will you come over?

Ji Anning lay on the table, remembering in her mind that Ji Chicheng had taken care of him bit by bit, and the tears from the performance gradually became real.

She closed her eyes, tears running down the corners of her eyes.

Just now, I obviously wanted to be a scheming bitch. Why did I feel wronged and sad here?

"Does the card have no password?"

Suddenly, a familiar man's voice rang in her ears, as nice as before, bewitching her heart.

Let her be willing to live and die for him.

Her pursed lips moved, and she whispered to the man's words: "Uncle's birthday, 010..."

In the man’s calm black eyes, Ji Anning’s ‘Uncle’s Birthday’ made a thousand ripples, and then a flash of anger flashed, "Why? Why are you leaving?"

"Because I can't, I can't love my uncle."

Tears ooze from Ji Anning's closed eyes. She sucked her nose and changed her posture. The back of her head was facing Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chi Cheng's heart tightened.

Because I can’t, I can’t love my uncle...

what reason? Why can't you love?

She was so painful that her brows became a ball.

Ji Chicheng's heart seemed to be implicated in her, and it became a tight ball, pain...heart-piercing pain.

"Daddy, Mommy." People on the side ate and drank, and noticed Ji Anning.

Her chubby body slid down from the chair, walked to Ji Anning and stood there, tilting her neck and staring at her suspiciously.