So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 597: This B, she pretended it! (two)

The man sitting opposite frowned and looked at Ji Anning's behavior with a very incomprehensible look.

'Tuk tuk tuk'

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

The waiter looked at Ji Chicheng with questioning eyes.

Ji Chicheng winked at the waiter and motioned to the waiter to open the door.

"Who is it." Ji Anning was still chewing the piece of lobster meat just now, and looked at the door while chewing.

The waiter opened the door, and a tall figure caught Ji Anning's eyes, and she frowned.

Isn't this woman unable to come? Why are you here again?

"One after another."

Korea entered the door and smiled slightly. She was carrying two lunch boxes in her hand and walked in front of them. She put the lunch boxes on the table and said to them: "Auntie just ate two pastries. It’s so delicious, I sent it to you."

As she talked, she opened the lid of the lunch box, which contained beautiful pastries.

Ji Anning took a look, smiled and said to Korea: "Ms. Korea, you are too polite, you can leave it for your mother to eat, and send it to us specially."

Korea smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, this is what I specially ordered."

Ji Anning said lightly: "We actually ordered it too."

She wanted to show her daughter's courtesy and win her daughter's heart. This woman is really too ambitious.

In the future, you must not let your daughter come into contact with her, and don't call your daughter who has given birth to another woman's mother.

"Really." Korea said in surprise: "This is done by Pcly, the pastry master here. He is still with us."

This means that they can never order exactly the same pastry, she is bragging.

This is a face slap.

Ji Anning held a grudge, but did not move her face and smiled calmly, "We didn't order the exact same thing, but we ordered the pastry. Miss Korea will take some to your mother to taste it later."

It's as if they live in poverty, and somehow they still have a rich father.

"Miss Niannian, you don't have to be so polite to me." The smile on Korea's face was a little unnatural.

After all, the Ji Anning I saw earlier gave her a soft and weak feeling, as if she was very simple and easy to talk.

Today, she always grabs the home court in words, seeming to express some position.

Ji Anning, in charge of acting, still politely treats Korea without revealing the slightest flaw, "Miss Korea has always been so good to them, I should invite Miss Korea to dinner."

At this moment, Ji Chicheng's cell phone rang suddenly, and the familiar ringtone interrupted Ji Anning's voice, and she turned her head to look at it.

Ji Chicheng glanced at the caller ID, his face suddenly darkened, he picked up the phone, got up and walked out of the box, he answered the call and put it to his ear when he reached the door.

I don't know what happened, Ji Anning frowned and watched Ji Chicheng out of the box, and when the box was closed again, she took her eyes back and put it on Korea again.

She smiled slightly and resumed the topic just now, "If Miss Korea doesn't dislike it, why not sit down and eat together."


What Ji Anning never expected was that Korea really nodded and sat down beside them.

Then she looked at Ji Anning again and returned to her generous smile.